I realise I’m not exactly well liked (quite a few people do not seem overly welcoming towards me, and I’m not sure why, but I have an idea), and, I just don’t feel welcome on the forum anymore. I’m sorry to say it, but I don’t think I’ll be coming on anymore. It was fun at first, but now I just don’t enjoy it. Can say what you want about me, how I can’t take any opinions, or whatever. I know a few of you think that way about me.
Also, I do have college starting, and the classes run for a long time, plus travel time, what time I do have for using the internet, I don’t want to spend worrying what others on Nameberry think about me. I think, honestly, there are some cliques/groups on here who just aren’t overly welcoming and nice to some people.
Sorry for offending/bothering/annoying anyone. If you do wish to contact me, my email is haleyalannah_@outlook.com.
Thanks for reading this, I would’ve posted it elsewhere, but this is the only one I use, so it seemed most appropriate.
Thank you, haha. It’s a lot of little things. As for my email, I have a few others I use, that one was created just for my nameberry account, so if it gets spammed, I won’t be overly upset about it.
That’s sad! I’m not sure what has happened either, but I’ve always found the forum posters to be sensitive and friendly the vast majority of the time (especially if your naming style ‘fits in’ with most other Berries’ style, as it looks like it does from your signature!)
Anyway, I’m sorry to see anyone go. Hopefully you might come back when things are a little less frantic =)