In desperate need of a 3rd sibling name for a boy!

I am new to this site and am looking for suggestions for my 3rd child who is a boy due on Oct 2! Siblings names are [name]Allyson[/name] [name]Faith[/name](5 and goes by [name]Ally[/name]) and [name]Justin[/name] Slayter (2 and goes by Slayter-a family SURNAME). Some names my husband and I agree on are [name]Benjamin[/name]…[name]Owen[/name]…I like [name]Jasper[/name] but dh does not care for too much- we need desperate help Bc I do not love any names seems like …I’m feel numb to this process and maybe its Bc its my third and I have not had as much time to plan and think on names but any suggestions or input would be great!!! Thx in advance!!last name is 2 syllables and ends in ton…???

since you have an [name]Allyson[/name] and a [name]Justin[/name], are you looking to keep the “n” ending? you like owen and benjamin. if so here are a few suggestions that i think work well:


I agree with the previous poster about the names [name]Colton[/name], [name]Clayton[/name], [name]Mason[/name], [name]Nolan[/name], and [name]Collin[/name]. I think they would go great with your sibset.

[name]Allyson[/name], [name]Justin[/name], and [name]Colton[/name] *Second choice.
[name]Allyson[/name], [name]Justin[/name], and [name]Clayton[/name] * First choice.
[name]Allyson[/name], [name]Justin[/name], and [name]Mason[/name]
[name]Allyson[/name], [name]Justin[/name], and [name]Nolan[/name]
[name]Allyson[/name], [name]Justin[/name], and [name]Collin[/name]

She said their last name is 2 syllables and ends in -ton! [name]Colton[/name] could very well be their last name people.

Though I agree that you seem to like the -n endings.

I really like [name]Benjamin[/name], and [name]Owen[/name] is also great
What about?


[name]Jonathan[/name] nn [name]Jon[/name]
[name]Jamison[/name] nn [name]Jamie[/name]
[name]Judson[/name] nn [name]Jud[/name]

And some without the N ending:
[name]Nathaniel[/name] nn [name]Nate[/name]
[name]Jeffrey[/name] nn [name]Jeff[/name]
[name]Gabriel[/name] nn [name]Gabe[/name]
[name]Jacob[/name] nn [name]Jake[/name]

Actually don’t have to stick with the n ending- just need some creativity! Lol- [name]Justin[/name] does not go by his first name- he is Slayter so that kinda breaks the n ending up anyways? But I do see that I always seem to go with that! [name]Allyson[/name] goes by [name]Ally[/name] as well! Funny that someone suggested [name]Tyson[/name] bc Tison is a family surname as well and I have entertained the thought of using it??

What other names do you like? [name]Justin[/name] and [name]Allyson[/name] are pretty standard popular names so that doesn’t show a lot about your style, that’s why people are latching on to the only real link between your previous names.

What kind of a name are you looking for? What’s important to you? Meaning? Spelling? Popularity? Sound? Flow?

Creativity can mean [name]Alexander[/name] to one person and Cloudpilot to another!

Here are a few more I really like- I actually have them on a list- I love [name]Ezra[/name] but I’m not bold enough to have it for a first name- and the hubby probably won’t like it at all…I also like [name]Seth[/name] for a middle name- but I tend to put the more “daring” names in the middle spot! Lol- hope this list helps- I dont know my style either- guess that’s why I’m having a tough time falling in love with any particular combination!

[name]Solomon[/name]- husband does not like at all but I kinda had my heart set on it:(**
[name]Jasper[/name]-would consider as a middle but hubby will not allow in the first name spot!*
*[name]Jacob[/name] [name]Ezra[/name]
[name]Nolen[/name] or [name]Nolan[/name]

With that list I’d say you like classic with a tendency toward Biblical.

[name]Ezra[/name] - I like this name as well, but I agree that it might be better in the middle spot
[name]Solomon[/name]- great name, but if hubby doesn’t like it what about [name]Samson[/name], [name]Saul[/name], [name]Samuel[/name] or [name]Silas[/name]
[name]Seth[/name] - great name, I really like this one and it’s great in the first spot, recognizable but not popular. Simple to spell but still interesting.
[name]Jude[/name] - another great one, this is one of my favorites.
[name]Maxwell[/name] - ok, it’s hard for me to think of [name]Max[/name] as anything but a dog name though
[name]Benjamin[/name] - love it, one of my favorites, also [name]Bennett[/name] and [name]Benedict[/name]. [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Jude[/name] would be great.
[name]Spencer[/name] - meh, it doesn’t have any nn’s I like
[name]Emmett[/name] - not a favorite, but it’s definitely gaining popularity
[name]Jasper[/name]- I think it would make a great middle, I really like it.
[name]Jacob[/name] [name]Ezra[/name] - nice, if you don’t mind [name]Jacob[/name]'s popularity I think it has good flow.
[name]Owen[/name] - good one I like it. [name]Seth[/name] [name]Owen[/name] would be great together, also [name]Owen[/name] [name]Jasper[/name]
[name]Nolen[/name] or [name]Nolan[/name] - this isn’t a favorite of mine, [name]Nathan[/name]? [name]Nash[/name]?

Maybe also