In labor but stuck b/w two names --help!

See the results of this poll: Which combo as a sis for Zachary Dylan?

Respondents: 38 (This poll is closed)

  • Zoe Alexandra: 12 (32%)
  • Alexandra Blair : 23 (61%)
  • (another suggestion?): 3 (8%)

Definitely [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Blair[/name]. [name]Zoe[/name] is pretty similar to her brother’s name, and [name]Alex[/name] is a cute nn. Good luck and Congrats!

[name]Alexandra[/name] is simply one of the most beautiful names you could choose, there is no contest it has to be [name]Alexandra[/name].

Please post in Birth Announcements when baby is born.

Thank you for the responses! She’s still not born, so i’m still thinking…
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Blair[/name] vs [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name]?

[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name] is pretty. :slight_smile:

[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Blair[/name] over [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name], but both are pretty. Good luck!

[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name]

I vote [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name]…what have you decided? btw…I love the nn [name]Lexi[/name] have you thought of it at all?

[name]Hope[/name] you have decided on [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name]

[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name]!

I have to go against the popular vote, because I love the name [name]Zoe[/name]. I think it is really cute with your son’s name too! Good luck, I hope all goes well for you and she is here very soon :slight_smile:

[name]Lexi[/name] is very cute!

I voted for [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Blair[/name] :slight_smile:

I happen to like Matchy names and I vote for [name]Zoe[/name]!

I love [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Paige[/name]!

I voted for [name]Zoe[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name], which I love!

BUT, and I hate to add more confusion, I think part of the problem is that both of the names you have chosen are actually too matchy with [name]Zachary[/name]. Everyone has been focusing on the z issue, and it is true that with z being such an uncommon letter, two z names do seem to be themey, but in reality [name]Alexandra[/name] also repeats a lot of the sounds in [name]Zachary[/name]. (I can’t help but hear [name]Zandra[/name] and [name]Zach[/name]). I think [name]Alexander[/name] and [name]Zachary[/name] would be too close for brothers and I think the same is true here. I think you need a name that is more distinct from [name]Zachary[/name] than either of the ones you have.

I know it’s late in the game to start coming up with other suggestions, but are there any other names you love?