In Love with Laurence/Lawrence

To me, [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] and [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u] are the new [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] for boys.

Just so many nicknames!

I’d say my top ten nns are:

  1. Laurie
  2. Laudalino
  3. Lorenzen
  4. Lauro
  5. Lalo
  6. Lorenso
  7. Lorne
  8. Laurent
  9. Larian
  10. Loren

I love how classic the name is and yet how many international options there are. I know they are used on girls too which is fine. I just prefer them on males.


I love them too! [name_f]My[/name_f] online name is [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] :grin: Nickname [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] is darling!

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Yes, for me falling in love as a fifth grader with [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] in [name_m]Little[/name_m] Women was crucial!

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I like [name_u]Ren[/name_u] as a nickname as well.


Yes and I like [name_u]Wren[/name_u] too.

Lawrence is very charming

[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] feels very formal to me, but the nn [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] softens it up a bit!

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My absolute all time favourite too. I so wish I could use it but my partner isn’t sold. You can also use [name_u]Wren[/name_u] in [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u] and in the UK [name_m]Larry[/name_m] and [name_m]Laddie[/name_m] can also be nicknames.

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I like it too! It’s definitely very versatile.

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Oh [name_m]Laddie[/name_m] is darling for a little boy (or later, for a lover). :slight_smile:

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Lawrence is a new name love for me as well! I prefer this spelling because [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] is the feminine form, pronounced Lor-ON-ce. The nickname [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] is adorable :heart_eyes:

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I love [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] and [name_u]Wren[/name_u]. I also prefer the [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] spelling even though it’s next the traditional one.

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I love [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] for males. [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u] is fine too, but the law part has a firmer sound than I like. [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] is soft and strong both.

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I pronounce them the same I just prefer the u

I prefer [name_u]Laurence[/name_u]! It reminds me of [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] from [name_m]Little[/name_m] Women, who I love so much. (At one point I was literally considering the nn [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] for [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] after him… which I’m liking again) I pronounce them both [name_f]Lore[/name_f]-ince.

I say it the same way. The u spelling appeals to me more, doesn’t seem female to me.

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