For so long i’ve loved the name [name]Indiana[/name] for a boy and recently [name]Reese[/name] Witherspoon chose [name]Tennessee[/name] for her baby boy which I also now love. I was just wondering if they are possibly too far out there or if they are perfectly fine? I’m super confused because I come from a pretty conservative family who names children after grandparents only, so in my family names like [name]Indiana[/name] and [name]Tennessee[/name] would not go down too well, is it just my family or are they slightly strange names? Also, any other geographical names? Thanks berries x
I don’t love them. I actually see [name]Indiana[/name] for a girl, though I wouldn’t use it for either because of [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name] (too many references to him, I would think). I only like [name]Georgia[/name] for a girl. Others ones I don’t particular like. But it is your kid ;). Good luck with your family!
both names are on my list.
[name]Tennessee[/name] is a childhood favorite that I’d forgotten about. I liked [name]Tennessee[/name] for a boy and Tanasi/Tenasi (the Cherokee village from which the state got it’s name) for a girl.
I think I’ll add Tenasi to my boy & girl list. The word means river so it’ll fit right in with my other nature names
OK if you’re an impassioned playwright or a country singer. Otherwise too much baggage.
I love [name]Indiana[/name], but I would never be brave enough to use it myself.
I love [name]Tennessee[/name]. Great sounding name, looks great written, great namesake. Bonus points if you’ve actually spent some time in [name]Tennessee[/name]. [name]Indiana[/name] feels less like a name (not counting [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name]) so I wouldn’t use it unless I had a real sentimental attachment to the state of [name]Indiana[/name].
At some point I’ve had both of those on my list. They’re great names. Right now, my only “place” name for boys on my short list is [name]Maine[/name]. I just love it. Too bad no one else in my family seems to.
I love [name]Indiana[/name], which is all male to me, because of [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name].
I really like both, but can’t actually see myself using them.
I don’t really like either. They both a clunky and hard to wear…and all I think of is [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name]
I don’t have any problem with state names or other geographical names. If you look at census records from the mid to late 1800s, it isn’t uncommon to find [name]Missouri[/name], [name]Louisiana[/name], [name]Georgia[/name], [name]Alabama[/name], [name]Virginia[/name], [name]Indiana[/name], etc being used as names. It’s definitely nothing new to name your child after a place.
A few people have mentioned the [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name] reference which I actually don’t mind about at all (it was one of my favourite adventure movies as a kid). Thanks for the opinions.x
I love [name]Tennessee[/name] for a boy! It has been a favourite of mine for a long time now and I absolutely love [name]Tennessee[/name] [name]Williams[/name] work as well so it would be a great honour name!
I like [name]Indiana[/name] and [name]Tennessee[/name]. [name]Montgomery[/name] is another great geographical name- a city, not a state.
Nah, they aren’t too out there, I actually think place names work better on boys than girls for the most part [though it depends on the name].
Here’s some more place names: [name]Austin[/name], [name]Memphis[/name], [name]Lafayette[/name], [name]Shiloh[/name], [name]Webster[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], [name]Montgomery[/name], [name]Jackson[/name], [name]Perry[/name], [name]Macon[/name], [name]Dalton[/name], [name]Tucker[/name], [name]Baxley[/name], [name]Dallas[/name], Ellijay, Winchester, [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Israel[/name], [name]Lincoln[/name], [name]Cairo[/name], [name]Everest[/name], Denmark, [name]Kent[/name], [name]Orlando[/name], [name]Brandon[/name], [name]Jordan[/name], [name]Texas[/name], Michigan, [name]Oslo[/name], [name]Ashby[/name], [name]Raleigh[/name], [name]Colorado[/name], and so forth.
I’m not a particular fan of those two name because I don’t like the nn that come with them - [name]Indy[/name] (I see this as more of a girl name) and [name]Tenny[/name] (also a girl, on Big [name]Love[/name]).
But, I do love place names in general - my husband isn’t as fond, but some of the boy place names I love are:
I have a lot more for girls, I think in general because I see place names as generally girl names, but I think that’s more my personal preferance than fact.
I really like [name]Tennessee[/name], but I’m not sure I would ever use it. I think of [name]Indiana[/name] as more of a girl’s name, although [name]Indy[/name] would be a nice NN for a boy.