Initials E.L.K., Yes or No?

I’m thinking of naming my daughter Emmerie [name_u]Lynn[/name_u], however our last name starts with K, which would make her initials E.L.K (like the animal)… would this matter to you? Would she get bullied for this?

It’s my favourite name combination that I have found, but With our last name I’m not sure.

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I doubt she’d get bullied for it, maybe teased but lightheartedly. People probably would think it’s cool. I’ve heard worse- my moms initials growing up we’re B.A.D.

Perhaps a second middle name could cure this, and add the additional thing of honoring someone for example the initials changed to E.L.R.K

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Thank you! The first middle name is my mothers middle name.

I have my grandmothers middle name so I am hoping to carry on the tradition

That’s really cute!


Honestly I think when you’re trying to pick a name it’s easy to make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to initials. [name_f]My[/name_f] friend didn’t use the middle name she wanted for her son because it would’ve made his initials BAR and she was convinced that would cause him to be an alcoholic. Realistically people’s initials are rarely relevant in their lives. While I do think you should try to avoid particularly bad ones (like BAD for example), I think silly little things like this won’t matter enough to warrant forfeiting your favorite name.


Technically it would just be E.K, or at least the people who don’t really know her would know her initials as such. I don’t think she’s get bullied for it. Now maybe ELF probably would’ve been a different story.


Cutest initials ever! If I had a kid with that I’d call them Elkie as a pet name :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I actually think it’s pretty cute and cool. Names aren’t really written out that often and usually it’s just the first and last initial that’s used anyway :slight_smile:


She wouldn’t be bullied!!! It’s cool to have initials that spell something!!! When I was young, I’d have envied her for having cool initials that spelt a real word.:relaxed:


Agreeing with others that it’s okay! Furthermore, I actually think that it’s a plus :wink: I love it when initials spell something cool.


Nobody notices that kind of thing. And what’s so negative about an elk? :wink:


Lol I definitely don’t think so. Have elke as a middle name option :joy::joy:

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I don’t think that it will ever be a problem. [name_f]My[/name_f] initials are A.C., and sometimes my friends will tease me for it, but definitely never a bullying situation. Emmerie [name_u]Lynn[/name_u] is very cute and I say go for it!

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I have nothing against elks, so I don’t see it as a problem!
Also though, if she doesn’t want to use ELK often, EK is easy to use instead. I mostly just use my first and last initials on things.

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no, E.L.K is fine - most people don’t use or notice initials imo!

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I always get amused when people say they don’t use initials… I guess most don’t. I use mine 1000 times per day.
Pharmacists put their initials on everything they check; check your pill bottles :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I like the initials ELK! But I would be cognizant that it could end up elf someday as PP said, which I wouldn’t like.
Good luck!

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I can’t honestly say I’ve ever used my middle initial for anything :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Haha! :slightly_smiling_face: there’s got to be another profession out there that does… anyone?! Lol


I don’t think that’s teaseable at all. People don’t really pay attention to initials and elk is not a bad word. [name_f]My[/name_f] friend’s initials are A.S.S and I didn’t realise that till he told me a month ago :stuck_out_tongue:


I do not think this would be an issue. There are many worse initials, my best friend’s initials are B.A.D. and my sister’s are R.A.G. and they never got teased!

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