Input on Rylan

I originally loved the name [name]Rylan[/name] for a boy, but my husband said he thinks it’s better for a girl. What do you guys think? [name]Do[/name] you like the name at all…or better for one than the other?

Rylant/[name]Ryland[/name] seems more like a boy to me, but then I’m not in favour of surnames as first names unless there is a family significance. That’s because my first name is a surname/boy’s name and have never much cared for it.

Because [name]Rylan[/name] looks like [name]Ryan[/name] with an “l” in the middle, I would say it’s more suited for a boy. It looks like it’s missing a letter so I prefer to spell it [name]Ryland[/name].


I think it would be cute for either.

Definitely for a boy.

I’m not a fan of the name, but if I saw it on paper I would assume it was a boy.

I agree that it sounds more like a boy’s name. However, I know two different Rylans under the age of two, and they are both girls! (I also know a girl [name]Riley[/name] the same age.)


I recently saw a birth announcement card (at work) for a baby boy, and his name is Rhylan [name]James[/name].
I asked if it was pronounced ‘[name]Ry[/name]-lin’ or ‘[name]Ree[/name]-lin’; I figured it was the former (which it was), but the ‘Rhy-’ made me think of the name [name]Rhys[/name] (’[name]Reese[/name]’), but my first instinct of ‘[name]Ry[/name]-lin’ was correct in this case!
I think the name [name]Rylan[/name] works better for a boy.

Could see it on both. Having the l-a-n at the end makes it seem more girl due to the similar sound of the common ending of l-y-n of a lot of girl’s names. However, [name]Ryan[/name] is also gaining more use on girls all on it’s own without the l in the middle. Either way, I could see both girls and boys in the future going to school together with the name.

I like it for both boy or girl. I have 2 friends with kids name [name]Rylan[/name]/Rhylynn ones a boy and one is a girl. But I asked my husband and he agrees with ur husband and thinks it is a girls name.

I would rather the name [name]Rylan[/name] disappear from the face of the planet, but it sounds like a boy’s name.

I do not understand why ppl get on here and have to be so rude. If you don’t like a name then say it in a respectful manner!!! Names are a very personal subject so try and remember that when commenting! I think [name]Rylan[/name] is a rather FINE name!!!