
What are everyone’s opinions on this one?

I think it’s a very pretty name and usable unless you have an object-sounding last name (e.g. [name]Iona[/name] Carr). I knew a girl in high school named [name]Iona[/name] and she was a very pretty girl.

I have a great-grandmother named [name]Ione[/name] but I think [name]Iona[/name] is prettier. I also like it because it’s the name of the island off the [name]Scotland[/name] coast where St. [name]Columba[/name] was from and where Irish monasticism and Celtic traditions lived for many years.

Like it! I also like [name]Ione[/name].

I dont like the long Ohnna, and prefer [name]Iola[/name].

Thank you all!
Its a new name on the list but I really love the sound of it.
[name]How[/name] does it go with [name]Mabel[/name] and [name]Tobias[/name]? Any blinding problems I’m missing?
Would it be a name you’d notice? I’m not sure if it’s eye catching or not. I don’t want anything too ostentatious- just not something which is vanilla either.

I like it, but prefer [name]Ione[/name].
It works well with [name]Mabel[/name] and [name]Tobias[/name] [name]IMO[/name]. It’s not pretentious or vanilla.

I second this :slight_smile:

I think it’s beautiful. I think it goes very well with [name]Tobias[/name] and [name]Mabel[/name], they are all quirky, but not crazy. [name]Love[/name] it.

A friend of mine has [name]Iona[/name] as a middle name and I’ve always thought it was lovely

Thanks so much. I’m thrilled with these comments and we are seriously considering this name now.
I’m aware that I am very easily influenced so I’m going to let my opinion of it stew for a while. Ha!