Ok, so I’m excited but also super nervous right now… I have a 2 month old baby and a 22 month old toddler, and I think I might be pregnant again! (Too early for a test, but we had a little mishap with our barrier method bc and then I think I had what might be implantation bleeding.) If so, my kids will be 11 months old and 2 1/2yrs old when the baby comes. So a toddler and Irish twins!! ”Anybody have any advice for keeping my sanity with three under 3?
No advice, but I would hold off on all the hype until you’ve taken a test, no point getting ahead of yourself. I know it’s possible to be pregnant, but at 2 months postpartum it’s on the unlikely side. Good luck!
We are in a similar, sort of, situation. We conceived again at 3 months postpartum, which I believed to be highly unlikely, too! But here we are. Actually maybe you have some advice for me, since your first two are about as far apart.
From what other people have told me, organization and pre-prepping things the night before are pretty key. [name_m]Even[/name_m] little things, having clothes picked out/layed out for everyone, meal planning, batch cooking, hopefully establishing a good schedule, as much as you can. And I hope you have some family close for some help! We are considering moving closer by the time this one comes because we’re pretty on our own where we are.
Good luck! I think besides getting super organized all we can do is ride it out. <3