Is Arden A Boy or Girl Name?

  • Boy
  • Girl

0 voters

[name_u]Arden[/name_u] is one of the names that feels like it’s totally safe for using for a boy or a girl, in my opinion. I personally do prefer it for a boy, though :slight_smile:

I see it as neutral but I prefer it for a girl

Either for me :person_shrugging:

I’ve only heard it on guys so I automatically think of guys when I read it, but it looks fine on girls too ^^

Feels neutral to me, but the one I know is a girl so that’s how the name feels to me

Really, it could be either or I feel like but I voted for girl

I like it for any gender, but I suppose my preference is for girls/neutral genders!

Perfectly neutral, though I like it for girls.

I’ve never met an [name_u]Arden[/name_u] and it’s not really a traditional name to my knowledge - it’s a surname used as a given name. So for me it could go either way. [name_f]My[/name_f] first association is the actress [name_u]Arden[/name_u] [name_f]Cho[/name_f].

It seems entirely like a boy name to me :man_shrugging:

It’s one of those completely neutral names to me that could work on either one. I personally find that it leans slightly feminine though.

I’ve met two Arden’s in my life and both were girls, but it feels solidly neutral to me.

I prefer it on a boy.