[name]Do[/name] you think that [name]Aurora[/name] is to hard for some to say? Would you still use it if it was? [name]Do[/name] you like the name [name]Aurora[/name]?
I love [name]Aurora[/name]! I don’t find it hard to say, but some do. Definitely, I would use it, I’m planning on using it. [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Grace[/name] is my top choice for a girl. I would use it up front, but I don’t think [name]Aurora[/name] sounds very good with my “R” heavy LN.
The idea of an adorable little girl grinning up at you and saying, “[name]Hi[/name], I’m ah-WOH-wah” just makes me melt on the inside, I think it’d be so adorable!
My two year old runs around saying it all the time. [name]Princess[/name] [name]Aurora[/name] is her fave!
I think the name [name]Aurora[/name] is difficult to say for some people. [name]Even[/name] though I love the name, and grew up with [name]Princess[/name] [name]Aurora[/name], I still stumble over the repeating r sounds. If I try to say [name]Aurora[/name] too quickly, it sounds like a mutated growl. But with that in mind, I’d still use it (if I really loved it.)
[name]Hope[/name] that helps!
- [name]Athena[/name]
Hahaha, THIS. I don’t think it will be that difficult for most non-speech-impaired adults, but children might have a difficult time with it. At the worst it’s just a little awkward for me to say, and only if I try to say it quickly. Kind of like [name]Briar[/name] or [name]Prairie[/name]. I have an easier time with [name]Aurelia[/name] but think [name]Aurora[/name] is prettier
I agree with previous posters - I think it could be hard for some, especially children, and I find [name]Aurelia[/name] and [name]Aurelie[/name] easier but I do love [name]Aurora[/name] - its just adorable
I would use it - my sole concern would be if it would as adorable on a 40 year old?
I think for the most part [name]Aurora[/name] will be pronounced correctly. [name]Little[/name] kids might have a tougher time though.
It’s a mouthful for me, it sounds a bit like “roroa” in my mouth. I’ve crossed it off my list for that reason, but I love the name.
I find it slightly hard to say, but that’s only because I’ve always had a bit of a hard time with r’s. But I do know how it supposed to be pn’d due to the fact that there’s a town in the state I live in named that.
I really love it as a name, though. I’d use it!
I personally have a difficult time saying it. I think most people fare pretty well, but I tend to over enunciate.
I don’t actually have a problem saying it, but it does tend to sound R-heavy in my mind whenever I think about it. For me personally, I like the meaning more than I like the sound of the name, but it is still one that any little girl would love to have.
P.S. (When I had a friend who was considering the name [name]Rory[/name] and how her little pre-schooler might then become ‘Woe-wee’ I asked my 3 year old to say it for me, and he surprised us both by clearly and adorably pronouncing a perfect “[name]Rory[/name]” so you never know!) =]
I never knew people had trouble saying that name until someone mentioned it on here. I think it’s easy to pronounce, I suppose little kids would have trouble saying it but little kids have trouble saying almost every name, even mine! I also think it’s super cute for a little girl and beautiful for a teenager or an adult.
I think it’s one of those names that looks prettier on paper than it sounds. I do find it a tad awkward to say. I’m sorry, but when I say the title of this post, I immediately thought yes. I know [name]Aurora[/name] has lots of lovely connections (the princess, the goddess, the lights) I can definitely see it’s appeal, but I have always found it too much of a mouthful to make it onto my list.
I don’t think it’s that difficult to say, but it depends on your accent. For example, Brits tend not to pronounce 'r’s, so it would come out like a-wore-uh. Someone who is a native Japanese speaker might say it somewhat like Uh-lor-luh. Many non-native English speakers may have trouble saying the name, so it really depends on where you live.
Personally, I prefer Aurra (look at my username), but I’m not sure I’d actually use it on an actual child. All in all, I’d use [name]Aura[/name] or [name]Aurora[/name].
I have heard that, but I do not find it hard to say at all. I have a neutral American accent, maybe it’s harder for other accents? I like it and I would definitely use it as long as you and your partner can both say it without issue.
It is very R heavy which proves difficult for some, but I still like it. It was on my list for a while as a way to get to [name]Rory[/name], but now I think I like [name]Rory[/name] by herself better… still love [name]Aurora[/name] though!
I love the name! I will be using it one day. [name]Rory[/name] is such a great NM too.
I suppose Rs can be a bit tricky for a bit, but I actually grew up with an [name]Aurora[/name] and I didn’t find that people had trouble with her name. She certainly never seemed bothered by it. It’s just a really beautiful name and you should definitely use it!
I have a problem saying it, it tends to come out as one big ‘awuhwuh’ mush. I have slight issues with [name]Rory[/name] for boys as well, though that’s got better thanks to [name]Doctor[/name] Who.
I think it will be hard to say for some, but you can always go with the nickname [name]Rory[/name].