Is Dante wearable or too much?

Dh admitted to me that he isn’t crazy about my favorite choice ([name]Anders[/name]) and I admitted that his favorite (Shephered) didn’t feel right. So that pretty much left us at square one. He asked me how I liked [name]Dante[/name], and I wasn’t sure. I wanted to love it - I find it an incredibly handsome literary classic, and in that sense think it’s lovely with our daughter’s name, [name]Eva[/name] [name]Natalia[/name]. But I began to wonder, is it too ethnic or pretentious? Is is actually wearable for a little white boy (even though he’ll most likely have light olive skin, dark hair, and brown or green eyes like our whole family.)

I hate to sound like a stereotyping person, and I hope this doesn’t come across as offensive in any way to anyone. I was just wondering if [name]Dante[/name] is wearable and fitting for a brother to [name]Eva[/name] [name]Natalia[/name]?

What middle names would you pair with it? I love [name]Dante[/name] [name]Aeneas[/name] or [name]Dante[/name] [name]Amadeus[/name] but DH said those are definitely too pretentious.

I know or know of several Dantes. I think they are all of Italian descent. I don’t think it’s pretentious at all and it goes with [name]Eva[/name].

I love [name]Dante[/name]. I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t be wearable.

Considering the name is Latin, and used a lot by Italian-Americans, who often fit the description or your family: Yes, it’s fitting and far from pretentious.

[name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] would be nice, and the -ander part of [name]Alexander[/name] nods to your favourite choice of [name]Anders[/name].

[name]Dante[/name] is fine and I think it can move between cultures. I would pair it with a more mainstream mn.

[name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Theodore[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Gregory[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Frederick[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Vincent[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Laurence[/name]

I know a [name]Dante[/name] and he fits you description except his hair is light brown

I agree with hubby, [name]Dante[/name] may need a more down-to-earth mn. The one I know has the mn [name]Alexander[/name]

I agree with the above posters. It works. Sounds great with something like [name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] or any of [name]Mischa[/name]'s suggestions!

I definitely think it’s wearable. I like it and I think [name]Dan[/name] is a good option if someone wanted something a bit more regular later in life.

I like it and I think it fits, from the previous suggestions [name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] sounds very handsome. I do also like [name]Dante[/name] [name]Amadeus[/name], but maybe it is a little too much(though that wouldn’t necessarily stop me from using it… But if DH doesn’t agree…)
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]George[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Julian[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Henry[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Tobias[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Simon[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Alistair[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Philip[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Leopold[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Josiah[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Elliott[/name]

Oh my goodness. As an Literature [name]Major[/name] in college I love [name]Dante[/name] [name]Aeneas[/name] (ya know, [name]Virgil[/name], who wrote the Aeneid, leads [name]Dante[/name] through Hell in the Inferno…) You just combined my online name nerdiness with my real life nerdiness.

I wouldn’t think anything of a little white boy being named [name]Dante[/name], I think it’s a nice and musical name. AND it sounds great with [name]Eva[/name].

I love [name]Dante[/name]. [name]Dante[/name] Aenas = super cool. He’s got to be dashing though. [name]Dante[/name] was also the first name of amazing pre-raphaelite painter [name]Dante[/name] [name]Gabriel[/name] Rosetti. I’ve been reading The Aeneid and The [name]Divine[/name] Comedy religiously since I was a child, so it’s right up my street…

I know a little [name]Dante[/name], he is mixed and looks somewhat like the description you just gave. I can see it working on a little white boy. (I get what you mean by that) I think that [name]Dante[/name] is a great literary name, I don’t find it pretentious. I like [name]Dante[/name] [name]Amadeus[/name], it’s cute and sounds good with your daughter’s name.

I think it’s perfectly wearable, regardless of ethnicity. Yes, it does sound quite Italian, and I think of [name]Dante[/name] Alighieri, but to me that’s a good thing. It’s solid, a bit musical as a previous poster mentioned, and certainly not pretentious. By the way, I think it pairs well with [name]Eva[/name].

I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Dante[/name]!!! And it goes really well with [name]Eva[/name]. [name]One[/name] of my favourite combos is [name]Dante[/name] [name]Cormac[/name], but if you don’t like that then there is:

[name]Dante[/name] [name]Jameson[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Sullivan[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]George[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Quillon[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Hooper[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Maxfield[/name]

It’s way too loaded for a child. I’d stay far, far away from it. It’s all fire and brimstone, thanks to [name]Dante[/name] Alighieri’s “[name]Dante[/name]'s Inferno.” Some people like the imagery of hell and hellfire. Personally, I’d rather not be saddled my entire life with a name with those kinds of connotations.

I agree. I immediately think of [name]Dante[/name]'s Inferno. Really not a fan.

It does sound pretentious, especially without any specific ethnicity that makes sense for a name like that. (Okay fine, what I’m getting at is that your “little white boy” description concerns are valid). It also doesn’t have any sort of a cute or lovable nickname to tone it down for use on a little boy. “[name]Don[/name]” or “[name]Dan[/name]” would be the only feasible ones, and those sound like middle-aged men’s names to me. I guess you could go with [name]Donny[/name] or [name]Danny[/name]. I just don’t like it.

Sorry to be so negative. Maybe try playing around on Nymbler for some inspiration based off those names you like?

[name]Dante[/name] is gorgeous! I once had a giant crush on a guy named [name]Dante[/name]- foxy artist with a tattoo of a scallion on his shoulder. He wasn’t Latino, but he wore the name well.

Not going to suggest middles, but I do like the idea of [name]Alexander[/name] to mirror [name]Natalia[/name]. If you want to go a little slinkier, you could do [name]Dante[/name] [name]Alessandro[/name] or [name]Dante[/name] Aleixo (it’s Portuguese, pronounced “[name]Ah[/name]-[name]LAY[/name]-shoo”)

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Dante[/name]! It’s so old and perfect. What a bold boy he will be. :slight_smile:

I had the same feeling as you and SO only mentioned it as a middle name. Over the course of a year I’ve come to like it, maybe even love it. I think of [name]Dante[/name]'s Inferno like other people have mentioned but there’s also [name]Dante[/name] from the Devil [name]May[/name] Cry video game series. And I’m 18 and I don’t know many people my age that even know of [name]Dante[/name]'s Inferno so I would say go for it! But I would pair it with a more down to earth middle name.

[name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Nicholas[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Matthew[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Jackson[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] [name]Jameson[/name]

I think that [name]Dante[/name] is usable but if you pair it with the middle names you listed, then it does sound pretentious/over the top. I agree with thefuturemrsb, [name]Dante[/name] needs a more classic/down to earth middle name paired with it. [name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is quite handsome.