Is Eden Israeli enough?

I’m planning on naming all my children with Israeli mainly and Hebrew names. Middle names for girls will hopefully be inspired by famous women in history, literary characters, and poets. I used to love the name [name_u]Eden[/name_u] for a girl. It’s actually in the top 100 in [name_m]Israel[/name_m] but I don’t know if it fits my theme. See signature. Anyway do you liek this name for a girl? I love [name_u]Eden[/name_u] [name_m]Lev[/name_m]…

Let me know if any books with awesome names as well :wink:

I prefer [name_u]Eden[/name_u] on a boy, though I think it’s pretty unisex. [name_u]Eden[/name_u] [name_m]Lev[/name_m] is a handsome combination.
Honestly, whether it’s Israeli enough depends on you. Some people might think it’s enough that they know the name has Hebrew roots and is used in [name_m]Israel[/name_m]. Others think that strangers need to recognize the name’s origin or at least that it’s foreign for it to be whatever-nationality enough.