Is Emmett *too* Twilight?

Recently I’ve been obsessing over [name]Emmett[/name]. It’s very my style, I think - not overly masculine, reasonably old-man-ish but ages well and I just love it.

But the Twilight connection really bothers me. I actually cannot stand the films/books whatsoever and I can’t even remember the character [name]Emmett[/name] at all. But I’m worried that especially in this generation, an [name]Emmett[/name] would be overlooked as ‘just a fan name’ in the same way I, admittedly, over look [name]Bella[/name] and [name]Jacob[/name].

So what do you think? If you met a young child named [name]Emmett[/name], what would you think?

I don’t associate [name]Emmett[/name] with twilight. I did read the books, and do remember a character named [name]Emmett[/name], but I still don’t associate them with eachother.

I think perhaps because [name]Emmett[/name] was already used quite a bit before the whole twilight thing. I think pre-twilight you would more likely meet an [name]Emmett[/name] than an [name]Esme[/name], you know what I mean? I also feel the same way about [name]Jacob[/name] though, but you do feel that one is related, so I suppose it’s really just who you talk to, and what they personally associate the name with.

Personally, I think you’d be fine to name your son [name]Emmett[/name] without being bombarded with “Oh that’s just like twilight!” comments.

Thank you! Although I think that it may be the other way round over in [name]England[/name], since [name]Esme[/name] was already fairly well-used before Twilight, yet I have met very few Emmetts, both before and after Twilight.

Definitely reassured me anyhow.

No, no, absolutely not. I love the name [name]Emmett[/name]. It’s strong, masculine, friendly, and handsome. The only reason it isn’t on my own list is because [name]Emmett[/name] is too close to my name, [name]Emily[/name].

I love [name]Emmett[/name], its the only boy name I truly love, and the only name my boyfriend and me agree on.

I read all the twilight books, love both the books and films but I don’t associate the name with twilight at all.

Its a gorgeous name, I love it :slight_smile:

I am a (somewhat ashamed) Twilight fan (the books, not the movies), and even though I know who [name]Emmett[/name] is, I would never think of Twilight if I met a little [name]Emmett[/name]. I just don’t think he’s a big enough character for most people to remember him afterwards. I think this is a great name!

I, too, don’t associate [name]Emmett[/name] with Twilight anymore. I more associated it with [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Smith[/name] (American football player) and there was an [name]Emmett[/name] on the TV show [name]Chuck[/name]–admittedly, he was a minor role, but his character stuck with me the longest! He was just so DUMB and he did a total disservice to the name, imo. Whenever I think of [name]Emmett[/name], I just think of how refreshing it is. I likely will never use it, as [name]Everett[/name]‘s so high on my list, but I’ve come to really love seeing it on others’ lists. I think it’s understated, refreshing, timeless. I really like it.

I don’t think it’s too Twilight. He wasn’t really a main character like [name]Bella[/name] or [name]Jacob[/name] and since its been a few years now since the books came out and the hype has died down a bit I don’t think people are “looking” for it so much. Plus, while it isn’t a common name, it isn’t exactly exclusive to those books as others have pointed out. So I think you are safe. :slight_smile:

On the other hand I had this same conversation with my husband a couple days ago about the name [name]Jasper[/name], so I know what you mean… :slight_smile:

Not at all. [name]Emmett[/name] is fabulous!

No, because I associate the name with other people not related to Twilight. But I can understand your concern, I’m rather annoyed that now the name [name]Esme[/name] is associated with Twilight and if I were to use it, people might think Twilight is where I got the name from.

Wow, I’m exactly the same! Though my husband would probably veto even if it wasn’t anywhere close to my name. Sigh. Such different tastes!

I also don’t think it’s too Twilight.

A “Twihard” might think of [name]Emmett[/name], but anyone outside the Twilight bubble will probably only know of the characters [name]Edward[/name], [name]Bella[/name] and [name]Jacob[/name], because they are the main characters.

I think [name]Emmett[/name] is only too Twilight when the words are that close together in a sentence.
Same for [name]Rosalie[/name], [name]Esme[/name], [name]Jacob[/name] I wouldn’t think about it otherwise.

Not to defend the books or movies, but [name]Stephanie[/name] [name]Meyer[/name] really knows how to pick a good name. I don’t think people should swear them off because of the series. Most of them were classic picks. And while the growing popularity of some of those is a big bone of contention for some, it’s not something that would sway me.

[name]Just[/name] use what you love! <3

I will admit to being a Twilight fan - and, shockingly enough, I’m not ashamed of it - and yet, he isn’t the only one I associate with the name. Another fandom I’m part of has a character who is also named [name]Emmett[/name], and his character is definitely a positive one. He’s a guy who, at first glance, might be thought of as silly and shallow, but is open and honest and proud of who he is.

Not a.good reason not to use it. I cant stand Twilight at all, but i happen to gave same taste in names as My son is [name]Jasper[/name] (ive only gotten twilight comment.from nurses lol) [name]Emmett[/name], [name]Esme[/name] and [name]Cullen[/name] are all favorites. I really want to use.[name]Emmett[/name] if we.have another boy, but my dd insists.[name]Emmett[/name] is.a.girls name.and that puts me off a.bit :confused:

I know three little Emmetts. Never thought of the Twilight connection, just the [name]Emma[/name] popularity connection.

I don’t think of Twilight when I hear the name [name]Emmett[/name]. Since he wasn’t one of the main character’s in the series, I don’t think that is something you need to worry about. I think it’s a really cute name for a boy! My little cousin, who is 9 has this name and it suits him so well. Everyone loves his name. :slight_smile:

I’m not a Twilight fan, and I know zero Emmetts, so I think it’s perfectly usable. The only reason I dislike it is because it sounds like [name]Emmanuel[/name], one of my most least favorite names.

[name]Emmett[/name] is so handsome- to me it sounds comfortable yet crisp. (Sort of the way [name]Benjamin[/name] does, though it’s more unusual than [name]Benjamin[/name].) Your little boy might love [name]Jim[/name] Henson’s “[name]Emmett[/name] Otter’s Jug Band [name]Christmas[/name].” It’s pretty great.
I haven’t seen Twilight, but I doubt that the show will be around for more than a couple more years. Then again, I live under a rock.