Our lastname is Scottish and looks like [name_u]McKinley[/name_u], but has a different meaning. The surnames are not related, they just sound alike. Is it too much with [name_u]Everest[/name_u]?
(As McKinley is a mountain -now called Denali- / a brand for mountain clothes, and Everest is also a mountain, I was wondering if it’s not too much).
As [name_u]McKinley[/name_u] is a mountain (now called [name_u]Denali[/name_u])/a brand for mountain clothes, and [name_u]Everest[/name_u] is also a mountain, I was wondering if it’s not too much! (Our lastname is not McCharlie. It really looks like [name_u]McKinley[/name_u]).
[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_u]Everest[/name_u]! It’s been getting a lot of attention on nameberry recently and I think it’s well deserved. I do not think anyone would readily make the connection to [name_u]McKinley[/name_u] (let alone McCharlie), especially since it’s been renamed, however it wouldn’t be too much anyway. Congrats!