I am not pregnant. Sadly. After more than two years of TTC I have yet to blessed but I have not given up hope and in the interim I stalk nameberry more than is healthy and dream about my future children. Lately I have been giving thought to a new name. I wonder what the wonderful berries here think and so I am here for advice, needed no less just because I am not yet expecting.
The name is Wight. Before you say that it is very surnamey or perhaps more suited to a boy let me explain, because for me the name has deep meaning and is entirely feminine. I grew up in [name]California[/name] and my favorite place used be the beach, usually late in the evening when it was nearly empty. My dog and I would go walk around sunset and it was quiet and peaceful and relaxing, just me and my baby love looking out at the horizon and into infinity. When I moved to [name]Colorado[/name] (mostly for my sister who was young and pregnant and who had moved here with my family to stay near the baby’s father who was from here) I lost “my spot” and [name]Colorado[/name] has never felt like home, the way [name]California[/name] does. But a couple years ago there was a cemetery I passed on my way to my old job. [name]One[/name] day I stopped there and I have been going ever since. It is my favorite place in the whole city. It is an old cemetery and the moment you drive through the gates it is like a blanket has been thrown over the outside world. It’s quiet, peaceful, beautiful. There are maples and evergreens, thick along the walkways and among the green fields, dotted with old monuments and ivy-covered crypts. It may seem morbid to visit a cemetery just because, but it a place where I find peace.
Deep in the center of the cemetery there is a family monument, most of the graves dating back to the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. Behind the graves is a gently curved wall, benches on either side of the most beautiful angel I’ve ever seen, and carved beneath her feet, the name of the family resting there. Wight. I have never seen an angel or a madonna so beautiful, carved with such life I expect to see her breathe, but with such peace, such compassion on her face and in the gentleness of her hands and the fold of her wings, that the first time I saw her I cried. Now, when things are especially difficult, especially chaotic, when my thoughts are so loud they drown everything out, I go there. The angel who stands guard there rests her feet right above the name Wight and so I have long since taken to calling her the Wight [name]Angel[/name]. There, where I can hear nothing but the birds and the wind, with the solid stone of the angel against my back, and the sky vast and quiet above me, things seem less rushed, less harried, less unbearable. Inevitably, the knots that drove me there will unwind, my head will quiet, and I will finally find a stillness at the Wight [name]Angel[/name]'s feet that I have a hard time finding anywhere else.
For me the name is an association with the angel who brings me peace and tranquility in a world constantly rushing by, never slowing down, never quieting. Hours spent sitting at my angel’s feet mean that now, for me, Wight sounds like angels, and tranquility, and quiet sunsets, and stillness. I cannot stress how much the stillness means to me. The more peace I find there, the more I consider using the name Wight should I have a daughter.
Now assuming any of you like it (or find it useable even if it isn’t your style) the second part of my question is what middle names might go with it. [name]Even[/name] though it isn’t spelled like the color white, it still sounds that way which means word names (which I like a lot) will sound odd because it will sound like Wight is describing something but I have very few ideas about what could work with it otherwise.