Is it weird to change name spelling?

Hi, everyone.

I have been suffering name regret for my 9 months daughter. The more I think the more I get confused myself. Please share your thoughts or experience.

Here is my story;

During my whole pregnancy, my husband and I were not in good place. Basically my husband wasn’t ready to be a father and he didn’t get anything serious about my pregnancy.

When it comes to choosing name, he said he always has been wanting name daughter “Miley”(My-Lee)
To me it reminds of the famous pop singer and I wasn’t fan of the name and it’s meaning.
I always wanted to name my daughter with flower theme name but he wasn’t fascinated.

After a few discussions, I let him name my daughter “Miley” hoping that he will be more responsible for my daughter and I. That was my huge mistake that i try to please someone…

Now, I really don’t like this name at all. Feeling like everytime I call her I think of the pop star and it makes me feel the name doesn’t belong to my daughter.

Omg, what have I done…

I have spoken to my husband and suggested the idea of giving her a middle name which I wanted. But he disagreed said it is too late. But he can compromise changing the spelling of the name. But the pronunciation must remain same.
Maybe change to “Maile” or “Mairi”

I really want to do but at the same time, I’m scared people find it weird. Worst is my daughter finds it weird or affects her confidence in the future.

Should I keep as it is and try to love it or is it okay to change the spelling?

I’m so desperate…so sorry for ranting here.

Thank you for reading this.
Any opinions are truly appreciated!

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Sorry that you’re going through this. I’m not sure how you would change the spelling of her name. Could you maybe go with [name_f]Millie[/name_f]? (Mill- lee)



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I love the suggestion of [name_f]Millie[/name_f]. Very close to her original name but has a completely different vibe.


I second Millie!!! [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_f]Molly[/name_f]!


She is still young enough that you could change her name entirely!! Don’t worry about what others will think this is your child and baby girl, you should be in love with her name so don’t settle!

[name_f]Maelie[/name_f] or
Maeve/Maeva would be my suggestions


[name_f]Miley[/name_f] comes from the word Smiley as a nick name in the singer’s case. Your daughter had her name chosen by her father…and you said OK because you love your daughter. Maybe you can think of it that way? Giving her a middle name you choose is totally great I think.

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I think [name_f]Miley[/name_f] is a cute name! I like the spelling but maybe [name_f]Mylie[/name_f] would work? Sort of like [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] or [name_u]Rylie[/name_u]. Also [name_f]Mylee[/name_f]? Your other spellings I think would be mispronounced. I do like the look of [name_f]Maile[/name_f] but I would say May-lee. I don’t think a new spelling is a big deal at all. Good luck!

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Thank you for the reply.

And yes, I have been trying to think the way you suggested.
I also asked my husband if I can add middle name but he absolutely doesn’t want to add name as it will be confusing for him which name should be called.

I also tried to think, “okay. Next baby I name” but again my husband said my daughter is the one and only. He is so sure that he doesn’t want another baby.

I’m like on the edge…

Thank you for the reply.
I agree that [name_f]Miley[/name_f] is cute name, I like the sound of the name but the spelling reminds me [name_f]Miley[/name_f] [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] and a bit childish in my eye.
I’m also concerned if my daughter get teasing.

I also like the look of “Maile” and its meaning.
I will take note of the potential of being mispronounced.
Thank you!

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Thank you for the suggestion!
[name_f]Maeve[/name_f] looks pretty but my husband is only keen on changing the spelling. Pronunciation must be My-Lee…

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Oh I see… Is that what you want? You do get a say
[name_f]Maelie[/name_f] is still pronouced My-lee


Prepare for a small rant:
No, no, no! That is not how you say it! It’s MY-lay, not my-LEE. Maile is a beautiful name, don’t get me wrong, but don’t assume pronunciations of foreign words. It’s like taking the name Niamh and pronouncing it NEE-am because it’s more intuitive for you.

Most people in non-Hawaiian USA would be confused in general, i think. Like, “Mail? Mall? Hey kid whose name I’m calling in the attendance, how do you say that?”


Just for future reference it’s MY-lay. :slight_smile:

I’m so frustrated for you. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It sounds like you never liked the name to begin with. I hope your situation improves.

I don’t think it’s too late to change the spelling of the name or the name completely. It’s definitely worth doing if you don’t feel satisfied with it, her name should be something that you’re both fond of!

What names do you like? Maybe have a short list of suggestions so that you and your husband can choose a new name together. If you’re still feeling this way about the name after nine months, your husband needs to take this seriously.

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I love your ideas for changing her name. I say go for it, Mama. She’ll always have a special name from her mother - a token of your love!

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Thank you for the comment!
I will take note of it. I found people whose name “Maile” and they pronounce it “My-Lee” (eg: [name_f]Maile[/name_f] Meloy ) so I though it would be okay.
But yea it is indeed difficult to assume the correct pronunciation. Thank you!


[name_f]My[/name_f] dad told me a story once:

His friend named their little girl [name_f]Maile[/name_f], pronouncing it [name_f]Miley[/name_f]. In Hawai’i, everyone pronounced it the correct way — bc duh, it’s a hawaiian word. She would get very upset as a little girl bc nobody got her name right. But she’s 30 now, and guess how she introduces herself, now that she’s more aware of Hawaiian culture? MY-lay.

Ohh… it works outside of Hawaii but it won’t in Hawaii ya…
It could be a problem which will bother my daughter in the future if she ever went to Hawaii.
Good to know. Thank you!

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I can see your concern with the connection to [name_f]Miley[/name_f] [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m], though [name_f]Miley[/name_f] is a very pretty and sweet name. It’s definitely not too late to change her name! I would suggest changing her middle name to something you love since the name he loved got to be her first name. That way her middle name can be her nickname that you call her! :slight_smile:

Maybe changing her first name to something that sounds/looks similar to [name_f]Miley[/name_f] may be easier for your husband. Seconding [name_f]Millie[/name_f]! Perhaps [name_f]Maisie[/name_f], Maisri, [name_f]Marsali[/name_f], [name_f]Maura[/name_f], [name_f]Maya[/name_f], Mila/Meela, [name_u]Marley[/name_u], [name_f]Misty[/name_f], [name_f]Marcy[/name_f], [name_f]Macy[/name_f], [name_f]Mercy[/name_f], [name_f]Maebry[/name_f], Maely, or Mazley (take any repeats as me seconding the name!).

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