Is Lolita usable?

So I’m still searching for a certain name fo one of my girl characters. Her twin brother is already named [name]Wesley[/name] and I had almost decided on [name]Winifred[/name] (nn [name]Wendi[/name]) for her…and then I came across the name [name]Lolita[/name]. It fits the character perfectly and I adore the nn Lo. But how does it flow with [name]Wesley[/name]? And is it usable? I mean, the name kinda has an infamous past, thank to the teenage vixen from the book [name]Lolita[/name]. I was nearly sold on [name]Wendi[/name] for my character…but now I can’t get [name]Lolita[/name] out of my head! Help!

I think it’s one of those names that’s too strongly associated with the book, sorry. If you like Lo, there’s other names that can give it.


It’s very strongly associated with the book, which is a shame, because it’s a beautiful name. I would pick something else if I were you. I like Essjay’s suggestion of [name]Elodie[/name] or [name]Lola[/name] (which kind of has the same feel as [name]Lolita[/name]).

It’s pretty much claimed by the book. I wouldn’t call [name]Lolita[/name] a vixen so much as an exploited child since for almost the entire book she was 12-14. The name will be connected with the novel for a long time.

I’ll add [name]Leora[/name] as a suggestion. Lots of names with that cute Lo nickname.

It also doesn’t help that [name]Lolita[/name] is a clothing line in Japan. It’s basically a clothing line designed to make doll clothes are adults. I think another name would be better. It also doesn’t fit the same style as [name]Wesley[/name].

What about doing [name]Winnie[/name] instead of [name]Wendy[/name]?

I think it’s best to avoid a name already associated with a famous character; else it’d be like naming a character [name]Bella[/name] or [name]Katniss[/name] (not the best comparisons, but you get what I mean.)
[name]Alula[/name] / [name]Elula[/name]
[name]Lilo[/name] ([name]LEE[/name]-lo)

For negative associations that aren’t as strong, there’s [name]Salome[/name] (sah-LOE-mee) which has the nn Lo.

I don’t know what your book is about or what genre it is so it’s hard to say for sure however…

I think the ONLY way [name]Lolita[/name] could be used is if she was predominately referred to as Lo and there was a side comment about 1) how she was named after the infamous [name]Lolita[/name] because it was her mothers favorite book. Though that would have to be written into the characterization of the whole family situation. or 2) a reason why she choose the name for herself, ect.

I don’t think you can use a name like [name]Lolita[/name] or Karenina without making obvious and direct references and correlations to the original works. However, there was a rewrite of Geothe’s famous “The Sorrows of [name]Young[/name] [name]Werther[/name]” by Plenzdorf called “The New Sorrows of [name]Young[/name] W.” in which a new character discovers similarities between his life and that of [name]Werther[/name]. My point is, if you make the connection obvious it can work but otherwise I would advise against it.

Thank you all very much! I think I’m going to just stick with [name]Wendi[/name], and maybe give her a friend or a pet with the name [name]Lolita[/name].