Is Ophelia usable?

[name]Do[/name] you think [name]Ophelia[/name] can be easily made fun of? I love the name and it’s literary connection; I thought since [name]Juliet[/name] is usable why not [name]Ophelia[/name], but I do think that it can be easily made fun with certain references. Should this take me off the name or should I stop overreacting about this?

I think yes, it has been used, and will be, no matter the tragic connection to [name]Ophelia[/name] from [name]Hamlet[/name]. It’s a lovely, haunting name, I do like it! Of course, you’ll get some references, someone will always mention it, but I think [name]Ophelia[/name] is worth it. I don’t think [name]Ophelia[/name] can be made fun of, it’s tragic and distressing, at least I wouldn’t make fun of an [name]Ophelia[/name], but there are people would, but as I aforementioned, [name]Ophelia[/name] is very much worth it!

I like [name]Ophelia[/name], but the two main pronunciations are a bit off-putting for me to want to use it, (Oh-[name]FEEL[/name]-ya, Oh-FAIL-ya). I like OH-fay-lee-ah, but don’t know how achievable it would be. I tend to like the French, [name]Ophelie[/name], (Oh-[name]FAY[/name]-lee) a little better for this reason. However, I would be delighted to meet a young [name]Ophelia[/name].

I think it’s perfectly usable. I’m sure an [name]Ophelia[/name] will get the occasional “oh-[name]FEEL[/name]-ya” teasing but there were plenty of Stephanies (“step-on-me”) and Amandas (A man, duh) who went through similar teasing in elementary school and I’m pretty sure that none of them were mentally scarred from it.

I think [name]Ophelia[/name] is very usable! There is a slight teasing potential, but every name has that. My name starts with [name]Mai[/name] (like [name]May[/name]) and I was called mayonnaise all throughout elementary. I say you should definitely use [name]Ophelia[/name].

Wonderful just what wanted to know, I adore this name so much.

I think so :slight_smile:

I love [name]Ophelia[/name]! [name]Violet[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Claire[/name] is on my short list. :slight_smile: I can’t decide if the “oh-feel-ya” jokes would be too bad or not, which is why I’ve kept it in the MN spot. I do really love it, though.

It’s certainly usable, don’t ‘overreact’ about it :slight_smile:
I love [name]Ophelia[/name], and it was on my short list until I realized it’s in conflict with my surname!

I’ve met two little Ophelias, one’s about 3 and the other is 7, and I know of one on the way. I’ve heard no complaints about the name from the parents.

It’s a lovely name, and probably would be more heavily used were it not for the [name]Shakespeare[/name] connection – some just cannot get the image of the drowned girl out of their heads, and that’s a tough image to have when you look at your darling child!