Is Quinn a male, female, or neutral name?

  • Male
  • Neutral
  • Female
0 voters

I think of [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] as completely neutral, it really doesn’t lean one way or the other for me!

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One of the few completely gender neutral names for me personally. In that I don’t have an immediate gender in mind when I hear it. I know two Quinn’s - 1 boy and 1 girl.

I personally prefer it on a girl but that’s very much my style.

The only [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] I know is male, but to me it’s completely neutral.

I have more associations for it on women but it’s still a neutral name to me

I voted for neutral as I’ve known Quinn’s of both genders, however, more females than males and I would lean slightly that way if I were to use it myself

I personally only know female Quinns but the name feels very neutral to me.

I only know male Quinns but it strikes me as neutral.

Neutral!! I wouldn’t want to make an assumption if I saw it on paper

neutral-leaning-masc! the only quinn i know is a guy, so that obviously sways my opinion.