Is Scarlett going to the next "it" name?

So we’ve pretty much settled on [name]Scarlett[/name], but just the other day, I saw the pottery barn kids catalog had the name [name]Scarlett[/name] embroidered on both some bedding and a towel. This pretty much happened just the same with my first daughter, [name]Sadie[/name]. After I chose her name 3 years ago, PBK named a bedding collection the [name]Sadie[/name] collection. Luckily, it wasn’t that cute (lemon yellow, black and white) and got discontinued very quickly, but they still have lamps and stuff named [name]Sadie[/name]. Anyhow, I love my daughter’s name ([name]Sadie[/name]) regardless and luckily I haven’t run into many Sadies in real life, but I would be annoyed if she were [name]Sadie[/name] L. in her class, but oh well.

Anyhow, I know [name]Charlotte[/name] seems to be heading up to the top and appears that [name]Scarlett[/name] seems to [name]Charlotte[/name] less-popular stepsister, but I am wondering if you all think [name]Scarlett[/name] will ever become top 10? I realize it has become more popular than it WAS, but do you think it is going to be super popular?

I can see [name]Scarlett[/name] getting very popular, I’m sorry to say. I don’t know what it ranks right now, but I remember thinking it’s lower than I expected, so maybe that’s good. I have noticed that there are a lot of people on nameberry that dislike it, which actually makes me think it’s more likely to be popular (we’re all so contrary to the general population, lol). I don’t know, there’s no way to know, really. I think it has mass appeal, but I guess the whole “scarlet woman” and [name]Scarlet[/name] Letter and Gone With the Wind association could work in your favor. Sorry to not have a better answer. I wouldn’t worry too much about the PBK thing, though, they are notorious for having tasteful names in their catalog, “yupster” names, which is a good thing, I think.

For what it’s worth, I love [name]Scarlett[/name]. She and [name]Zoe[/name] are the only “popular” names I can think of that I would consider using despite popularity issues.

Honestly, I don’t think it will ever get that popular. It doesn’t have enough broad appeal. Some find it harsh, some don’t like the lack of an obvious nickname…both of those things will hold it back. My sister named her daughter [name]Scarlett[/name], and gets plenty of mixed reactions to it – I believe you either love it or don’t see the appeal. I personally love the name and think it is great; I wouldn’t worry about it being a top 10 name or anything.

@lyndsay: I know what you mean about nameberry sort of going the opposite of mainstream, although in addition to [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Tallulah[/name], etc., I also see [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Katherine[/name], etc. getting some love here. It’s a mixed bag. I feel like nameberry love either gets bestowed upon the interesting and unusual, as well as the classic, if not common, crowd. That was a total tangeant!
Anyhow, the thing that makes me think it might not get the wide appeal is the [name]Scarlet[/name] letter, scarlet fever, as well as harsh scar begining, but you can never really predict these things. I do not think that 10 years ago, people could have predicted the rise of [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Sophia[/name], and seemingly now, [name]Olivia[/name]. But thanks for the compliments on the name, albeit the possibility for its overuse. I sort of feel the same way. I don’t want a common name, but it’s hard for my husband and I to agree so I think I will just stick with [name]Scarlett[/name] regardless.

@norskelove: I actually have noticed that when I tell people the baby’s name. I get one of two reactions: either they love it and tell me so, or I sort get radio silence. So maybe you’re right…

In any case, I’m clearly not going to get any major points for originality, but I don’t want a totally obscure name, she needs to spell and pronounce a few times over. Actually, just today, I had to tell someone that my older daughter’s named was pronounced [name]Say[/name]-dee, not Sadd-ee. Not the first time, either. Go figure!

It’s so funny that you mentioned the PBK catalog because my daughter’s name is [name]Scarlett[/name] and I was so sad when I saw it embroidered on the pillowcases and towels. My first thought was, “ok her name has officialy jumped the shark.” (And I don’t mean to offend anyone by this bc it is just not my style but I didn’t want [name]Scarlett[/name] to be the next [name]Mackenzie[/name]). However, after looking further through the names I realized that PBK doesn’t just use nouveau popular names (think [name]Mackenzie[/name], [name]Addison[/name], etc.) but also classics or vintage names back in style (think [name]Kate[/name], [name]Lilly[/name], [name]Emma[/name], [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Ella[/name], etc). I’m not sure if you saw this but [name]Penelope[/name] even has a collection. Personally, I can handle [name]Scarlett[/name] being in the latter. Not that I want it to be a top 10 name but I would rather it jump in popularity but still be considered a glamouros, spunky, vintage name than be considered a nouveau trendy type of name. Again, this is not meant to offend anyone who likes these types of names just my personal opinion.

So, I think the question is how popular is too popular for you? Of course I have been following [name]Scarlett[/name] since 2009 when I choose it for my daughter and yes it is getting more popular. I see it on the message boards and have meet grandparents or neighbors that know of a [name]Scarlett[/name]. I have not meet another one yet but I have heard of others around. For this reason, I can definitely see it breaking the 100 mark and mabe even landing in the 70’s or 60’s. That being said, I don’t think it will ever hit the top 10. It is a bold name that comes packed with associations that a lot of Americans are just too conservative to take. Yes, before I choose it some posters on other sites even called it a “stripper” name. With sophisticated role models like [name]Scarlett[/name] Johansoon and [name]Scarlett[/name] O’[name]Hara[/name] I think it is safe to say that there are many classy Scarletts. I agree with other posters, people usually love it or hate it. I too get either “oh that is a beautiful name” or the dead silence when I tell people my daughter’s name is [name]Scarlett[/name]. Anyway, if you can handle a name in the top 100, then I would say go for it. If not, it might not be the right name for you because I do think it has the potential to go there (crossing my fingers that it won’t though :slight_smile:

And, here is some imagery that I had in my mind when I was deciding between names and what I feel like when I hear the name [name]Scarlett[/name]. Not sure if this helps you.

“As I mentioned, I really do like both names and think each one fits a particular mood of mine. Some days I feel very bohemian, pick up that arty dress, and listen to blues music, and want a very unpretentious name rooted in American history. On these days, I picture a sweet, little Bohemian [name]Viola[/name]. Other days I want to feel more decadent / glamouros and cover my house in bold, swirling [name]Art[/name] Nouveau, flocked red wallpaper while listening to moody music and drinking red wine. These days I picture an exotic, glamorous [name]Scarlett[/name].”

Best of luck!

I don’t care for [name]Scarlett[/name] and I don’t see the appeal in the name. I don’t think it will ever be top 10 and honestly I’m hoping so too. There are worse names in the top 10.

Turquoisekitty : You pretty much sum up my feelings, except that I really don’t want it to be top 10 even if it has a favorable connotation of spunky and vintage. On one hand, the silent response you mention as well as lvs51fan’s personal opinion really makes feel like it won’t be top 10 becuase some people just don’t get it. But then again, I think that there are plenty of names in the top 10 that maybe some people don’t like, bc they don’t like the name and don’t find it appealing having nothing to do with its popularity. No offense to anyone, but I’ve never been a fan of [name]Olivia[/name] and I definitely see that one going straight for #1. I guess only time will tell as there is not even a back-up name swirling around for us right now.


Turquoisekitty- you also summed up my feelings about [name]Scarlett[/name] and her popularity and appeal too! I don’t see it making it into the top 100 yet though. I get mixed reactions to my daughter’s name – she was born in 2002 so we’re had some runtime w/ it. I don’t know why people have to make little quips about names ya know? like w/ my [name]Alice[/name], I hear “in wonderland” so much. it’s crazy. [name]Just[/name] say “hi [name]Alice[/name]” - lol With [name]Scarlett[/name], we tend to hear Gone with the Wind and [name]Scarlet[/name] Letter the most. When I hear of people who don’t like the name it’s not usually because of one of those reasons though- they usually say “I hate that ‘scar’ is in the name”

For a backup name… maybe [name]Carlotta[/name], [name]Carlena[/name], [name]Scarla[/name] — or other TT names for girls:


I love the name [name]Scarlett[/name] and considered it for my now 10-month-old daughter. I do see it becoming more popular, although I don’t think it will get quite as high as top 10 due to the reasons previous posters have mentioned about it being the kind of name people either love or don’t. Maybe it will be in the top 50 or so? It’s hard to be certain, but I do think its popularity will increase.

Before the recent “surge” in popularity, I had only met 2 [name]Scarlett[/name]'s before 2000 (one a woman in her 30’s and a little 2 year old at the time). [name]Scarlett[/name] is on our short list as our baby is due Nov 20th, but (if a girl), I could see her being born in [name]December[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] seems like such a great, slightly-obvious nod to [name]Christmas[/name] colors.

When I hear [name]Scarlett[/name], I think of the deep red color, and luscious [name]Georgia[/name] spring time. But I do understand the whole “[name]Scarlett[/name] Letter,” Scar thing…and sometimes I think Scar [name]Jo[/name] can be a little edgier than classy.

I do think there are some creative nn for [name]Scarlett[/name] though:
