It’s so funny that you mentioned the PBK catalog because my daughter’s name is [name]Scarlett[/name] and I was so sad when I saw it embroidered on the pillowcases and towels. My first thought was, “ok her name has officialy jumped the shark.” (And I don’t mean to offend anyone by this bc it is just not my style but I didn’t want [name]Scarlett[/name] to be the next [name]Mackenzie[/name]). However, after looking further through the names I realized that PBK doesn’t just use nouveau popular names (think [name]Mackenzie[/name], [name]Addison[/name], etc.) but also classics or vintage names back in style (think [name]Kate[/name], [name]Lilly[/name], [name]Emma[/name], [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Ella[/name], etc). I’m not sure if you saw this but [name]Penelope[/name] even has a collection. Personally, I can handle [name]Scarlett[/name] being in the latter. Not that I want it to be a top 10 name but I would rather it jump in popularity but still be considered a glamouros, spunky, vintage name than be considered a nouveau trendy type of name. Again, this is not meant to offend anyone who likes these types of names just my personal opinion.
So, I think the question is how popular is too popular for you? Of course I have been following [name]Scarlett[/name] since 2009 when I choose it for my daughter and yes it is getting more popular. I see it on the message boards and have meet grandparents or neighbors that know of a [name]Scarlett[/name]. I have not meet another one yet but I have heard of others around. For this reason, I can definitely see it breaking the 100 mark and mabe even landing in the 70’s or 60’s. That being said, I don’t think it will ever hit the top 10. It is a bold name that comes packed with associations that a lot of Americans are just too conservative to take. Yes, before I choose it some posters on other sites even called it a “stripper” name. With sophisticated role models like [name]Scarlett[/name] Johansoon and [name]Scarlett[/name] O’[name]Hara[/name] I think it is safe to say that there are many classy Scarletts. I agree with other posters, people usually love it or hate it. I too get either “oh that is a beautiful name” or the dead silence when I tell people my daughter’s name is [name]Scarlett[/name]. Anyway, if you can handle a name in the top 100, then I would say go for it. If not, it might not be the right name for you because I do think it has the potential to go there (crossing my fingers that it won’t though
And, here is some imagery that I had in my mind when I was deciding between names and what I feel like when I hear the name [name]Scarlett[/name]. Not sure if this helps you.
“As I mentioned, I really do like both names and think each one fits a particular mood of mine. Some days I feel very bohemian, pick up that arty dress, and listen to blues music, and want a very unpretentious name rooted in American history. On these days, I picture a sweet, little Bohemian [name]Viola[/name]. Other days I want to feel more decadent / glamouros and cover my house in bold, swirling [name]Art[/name] Nouveau, flocked red wallpaper while listening to moody music and drinking red wine. These days I picture an exotic, glamorous [name]Scarlett[/name].”
Best of luck!