Is Speed a good name or bad name?

My husband is dead set on the name Speed. What do you think?

Unfortunately, makes me think of Meth.

I KNOW RIGHT!!! That is what I said too!! I also told him that “what you want it’s middle name to be racer or demon???”

I also thought of drugs, then a Speedo, then Speed [name]Racer[/name]. :frowning:

I don’t think of drugs, but I do think of Speed [name]Racer[/name].

Speed [name]Racer[/name] here too. Now [name]Rex[/name], or [name]Trixie[/name], those would be awesome! (I never understood how the [name]Racer[/name] family went from [name]Rex[/name] to Speed to Spritle, myself. Talk about degenerating!) :smiley:

I immediatley thought of drugs…and then the movie where I continuosly picture [name]Keanu[/name] [name]Reeves[/name] saying “Whoa!”

and then I giggle to myself :slight_smile:

I also thought of Speed [name]Racer[/name]. I can’t picture Speed going on an interview as an adult”I think his name would be a real hindrance.

A child with this name would get teased A LOT! I can already hear the put downs. “Good one, Speedy!” or “You’re really quick, aren’t you, Speedy!”

[name]How[/name] about [name]Dashiell[/name], nn [name]Dash[/name]? It’s got the whole fast thing, but can be taken seriously and not remind people of drugs. :slight_smile:

I think that’s an awesome idea, [name]Lynsday[/name], and I hope the original poster sees it! :slight_smile:

Oh thats sounds good. I also mention [name]Pace[/name] or [name]Walker[/name] and he turned it down. :frowning:

Sadly my husband turned down [name]Dashiell[/name]. There is no pleasing. I think it will boil down to i pick out first name and he get middle name. Or we will look at our son and say you look like a blank…

Or maybe we will get a girl. But thank you everyone for your posts. Im glad im not the only one that doesnt like Speed.

It is not a name to me

Sorry no I can’t picture Speed on any child! It makes me think of the drug to much.