The awards are given to people to who die doing stupid things, to my knowlegde, people dont knowingly think, im stupid so im going to do something stupid and memorable to kill myself. It people who accidentally kill themselves, by trying to do something and not doing it right.
Example being "[name]Darwin[/name] says, “Double [name]Darwin[/name]!”
(26 [name]September[/name] 2009, Dinant, Belgium) Two bankrobbers attempting to make a sizeable withdrawal from an ATM machine died when they overestimated the quantity of dynamite needed for the explosion. Nobody else was in the building at the time of the attack. Robber One was rushed to hospital severely injured, and Robber Two was unexpectedly excavated from the debris twelve hours later.
Uncovering the second bungler’s body was a surprise because investigators initially assumed that the accomplice had managed a getaway. Would-be robbers One and Two weren’t exactly impoverished–their getaway car was a BMW."
Possibly im misunderstanding what you said [name]Karen[/name]? The [name]Darwin[/name] awards like to laugh at other people’s deaths, and which demands to be intellectually admired for doing so. The [name]Darwin[/name] Awards exist to award “stupid people whose stupidity leads to their killing themselves, thereby removing themselves from the gene pool”.
I wouldnt consider stupidity and death to fall under the same category as Natural Selection, as people do not choose to be stupid, while most people knowingly dos tuff that leads to there death, in the examply above, these robbers thought they would get away from with money, they didnt purposly put to much dynamite and kill themselves. They were simply “honoured” with a [name]Darwin[/name] Award because they were stupid, and thefor could no longer reproduce, and breed more “intelecually challanged” people. I personally believe that the [name]Darwin[/name] Awards are a insult, on [name]Darwin[/name] and annyone who has the misfortune to recieve one of these awards (mostly because you must be dead to be awarded a [name]Darwin[/name]). They mock people, and their untimely demise, and as i said i wouldnt exactly call accidental death by means of stupitiy natural selection, because then (and in advance no offense to anyone) all people who are mentally or physically retarted would be naturally selected to die. Sorry im no longer arguing with you, more so arguing with the creators of the award and the flaws within it. However i do know that some people do highyl stupid things, and when i say highly i mean highly. So i guess this is a double standard because within the mockery of people that just do dumb things, are people who did something stupid, by accident. I am very interested to know why they chose to call them the darwin awards, i cannot seem to find any good solid information on that, but from what i gather its an insult on the brillent charles darwin. The real, scientifically given [name]Charles[/name] [name]Darwin[/name] Award is a much better suit for the ledgendary [name]Darwin[/name] as they are given to the most presteigious of zoological students. However i do deem the [name]Darwin[/name] Awards a rather large insult to [name]Charles[/name] [name]Darwin[/name]