So we are having our 3rd child with the 18 week anatomy scan next week and cannot decided if we should hold out for the surprise. We did find out for both our son and daughter so other than some cold weather infant clothes we have almost everything for both sexes. We both are a bit impatient but keep thinking we probably should go for the surprise. Any opinions? Thanks!
I’d always go for the surprise. But I’m not a fan of “girls like pink and boys like blue” anyway. But if you’re too impatient, it doesn’t really matter, when you find out, so go for it
I’ve waited for the surprise twice now, and I loved it! It was something to look forward to through a long, tiring pregnancy. I had so much fun trying to guess who was in there, and wondering if I was right (I was wrong the 2nd time!). Since you’ve already had a boy and a girl, and have most gender specific clothing items, I’d say wait and see! Pick a name (or names) for each gender, and then await your [name]Christmas[/name] surprise :o
I’m not the kind that can wait. I like to plan ahead so for me knowing the gender is a must. That way I can get whatever I need before the baby comes. [name]Even[/name] if I had everything for both genders, I’d probably still have to know because I wouldn’t be able to wait.
We found out with our first (Boy), but waited for our second (Girl). I just wanted to see if it was worth the surprise. For us, the experience was just as magical without the surprise, so we decided to find out for our third (Boy). Waiting just isn’t for us, but you won’t know for yourself unless you try.
I’ve not found out with any of mine and loved the surprise. I still bought clothes, but I keep babies in bright babygros so didn’t need to worry about which sex they were. I loved imagining my family with either a boy or a girl, coming up with names for both gender, having my children guess which it was. I loved the surprise.
I’ve never given birth but I’d love the surprise.
I hate surprises! I am not a fan of pink vs blue either but I just like to know. The delivery will be a big enough event, seeing my baby for the first time will be enough of a surprise for me. I’d rather have a little fun at the 18 week scan and get excited about what I am having to help get me through the pregnancy!
With both of mine I wanted to find out at the ultrasound. I loved knowing who was inside of me (for me it was easier to bond with the baby, but I know that’s totally not necessary for most people to bond) and with our second I loved being able to prepare our daughter for her little brother. I loved calling the baby by name while I was pregnant. And it’s STILL a surprise when you find out at the ultrasound appt! Waiting 20 weeks is enough of a wait for me.
It always makes me laugh when people say they’re waiting until the birth because they “want it to be a surprise.” So if you find out beforehand, it’s not a surprise?
I’m not planning on having kids for years, but I probably wouldn’t want to find out! I like surprises! I’m also torn, because as a pp said, you can start bonding by calling the baby by name. I still say I probably would wait.
I also don’t like the girls=pink and boys=blue thing. I think a nursery that is light green and yellow with [name]Winnie[/name] the Pooh theme would be sweet, and would suit either gender.
Maybe I’m really cynical, but for me it’s a “[name]How[/name] surprised are you really going to be? It’s like being surprised by a coin toss.”
I plan to find out, mostly to start using a name and be able to have that clearer mental picture. I also couldnt STAND the thought that the ultrasound tech would know and I wouldnt!
I wanted to be told for my son, and it was nice to know because we bought everything in advance and had names ready. I mentioned waiting for our next child, but my husband doesn’t really see a point to it. He likes to be prepared. Maybe we will wait for the next one, who knows.
I’m currently ttc and I don’t think I would want to find out. I like the idea of having to buy everything gender neutral because I plan on having more than one child. If I knew, I wouldn’t be able to control myself!
I recently had my 20 week anatomy scan and found out the sex. I’m so happy I did. I love being able to refer to the baby by his name. I think it helps with bonding. Also, I’ve never been big on surprises. There’s enough to look forward to at the day of the birth and I like knowing as much about my baby beforehand as I can.
Maybe I’m really cynical, but for me it’s a “[name]How[/name] surprised are you really going to be? It’s like being surprised by a coin toss.”
This made me laugh out loud!
I am not huge into all pink or all blue either but most gender neutral stuff is really old fashioned babyish looking full of ducks and frogs. If we wait for a surprise I probably will buy a bunch of infant boy stuff and girl stuff from Khol’s or Carters since they are really good about returns since both my kids were late spring/early summer so I have no cold weather infant stuff.
I have always had a gender neutral nursery, all primary colors with the PBK alphabet bedding, rug and etc and luckily it will work out again that I can move my daughter out to a big girl room and keep the nursery the same for either a boy or girl again.
Its really about if I am going to go nuts not knowing since my DH is fine with either now but doesnt want to wait and then find out say at 36 weeks if I am busting to find out. SO it’s now or never for him!
I don’t have children, but I agree that the baby’s sex is a surprise whether you find out at the ultrasound or at the birth. When I do have children, I plan to wait until they’re born to find out their sexes.
As far as decorating a nursery goes, I love simple and old-fashioned. I want to have a large family and therefore like the idea of a nursery that transitions from boy to girl and back again. Right now I’m digging the idea of antique white furniture and nursery rhyme decor for a baby’s room. Clothes aren’t that big of a deal to me. Babies are going to puke and poop on everything you put them in, so why bother with the cutesy outfits?
With my first two I went for the suprise. I bought everything brightly coloured. But with baby bump, I found out. I loved both as much so I would just say do what you feel. If you cant wait any longer, find out! If your willing hold it in, the suprise is totally worth it.
I think we are gong for the surprise, appt is tomorrow afternoon!!! Thanks for all your input.
Your [name]Welcome[/name] isirapjl. [name]Glad[/name] we could all help.