Is there anything that really bugs you in the baby name community?

Like, something that you see in the baby name community online that really annoys you. Maybe it’s horrendous, hijacked, or misspelled names. Or perhaps it’s rude people.

What are your berry pet peeves?

ANYONE going to answer? Hell-o-o!

Yes I don’t like old lady names…they are not cute.

I really don’t like the name [name]Clair[/name]…and I get annoyed when the name cloud only lists [name]Rowan[/name] as a boys name and [name]Ruby[/name] as a boys name too that is just crazy

People who respond with a hundred options for someone. Let others offer suggestions, too.

Lol, that’s probably me.

To answer the question, I think the only problem I have is rude people who post for the sake of being rude (rather than constructive criticism). Oh and the flame wars on boy names on girls—sure there is prettier names for girls without having to revert to the boy side, but come on its really not that bad.

I hate old lady names. Not pretty or cute at all. And I hate Noun names, e.g. [name]Wren[/name], [name]Lark[/name], [name]Story[/name], [name]Plum[/name], etc. The only one i like is [name]Clover[/name]. And Place names, like [name]Brooklyn[/name] or [name]Nevada[/name]. And whenever I see parents of a small child with a name in the top 10, I immediately think "well, that’s original’ and inwardly roll my eyes. That’s about it. lol

I have two.

As someone who really loves unisex names on boys (I would so name my sons [name]Avery[/name] and [name]Bailey[/name] tomorrow!), I really don’t have a problem with people speaking up against using unisex names on girls (although I think a lot of people could do it more sensitively), but what gets me is that so many people speak out against unisex names on girls, but then when someone posts something like [name]Avery[/name] on the boys forum, there is this huge public outcry that it would be a huge disservice to use [name]Avery[/name] on a boy these days–that it has gone completely girl. No it hasn’t. [name]Avery[/name] is the most popular for boys than it ever has, in the history of the SSA list. There are thousands of little boy Averys out there. It’s not going to kill him. And [name]Avery[/name] is a very cool name for a little boy! It should be one or the other, but I really don’t think it’s fair to say that you can’t use unisex names on girls because they originated on boys, but you can’t use them on boys because they’re gone to the girls. It makes no sense at all. And besides, names like [name]Sawyer[/name] haven’t gone to the girls. Not by a long shot. Please stop saying it has. [name]Sawyer[/name] for a boy ranks hundreds of spots above [name]Sawyer[/name] for a girl on the SSA list!

Second pet peeve is the outcry against popular names. [name]Olivia[/name], [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Ava[/name], [name]Emily[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Lily[/name], etc.–they’re not hideous, they’re popular. HUGE difference. [name]Just[/name] because popular names aren’t your thing please don’t try and ruin them for me. Especially when I have a very good reason for loving them. While I love Nameberry, I’m getting seriously sick of every time I post for opinions on my list (when it changes dramatically enough to warrant new opinions) or fall for a new popular name, half the comments are along the vein of “Why don’t you try [name]Evangeline[/name] or [name]Evelyn[/name]? They’re much more interesting/less popular than [name]Eva[/name].” (First of all, [name]Evelyn[/name] is probably twice as popular as [name]Eva[/name]. But that’s besides my point…) “[name]Isabelle[/name]'s nice, but way too overused. What about [name]Isadora[/name]? [name]Olivia[/name]'s nice but SOOOOOOOO boring. Have you considered [name]Livia[/name] or [name]Olive[/name]?” Noooo. I wasn’t at all aware of [name]Olivia[/name]'s popularity, thank you very much… I honestly think most people know how popular names are, especially once they’ve gotten to Nameberry… I don’t need the dead horse beaten for me. :confused: It gets really frustrating to feel like names that I really love are constantly being considered not good enough, just because thousands of other parents also really love those names.

Rant over, haha.

I find some of the baby name games really disturbing.

I can’t stand the whole boys named on girls trend. Unisex is fair game, go for it, but blatantly male names? It gets on my nerves for a number of reasons. [name]Just[/name] because you can call a potato a carrot, doesn’t mean that you should or that it’s correct.

And the issue around name popularity, I don’t get why it’s such an issue for some. I’ve seen posters say they’d never use a name in the top 1000…do you realise how many lovely names you’re nixing, just because of a ranking? I haven’t even met people with some of the names in the top 1000. I think it’s silly how far some seem to go just to get a unique name. I have a unique name, trust me, it’s not all what it’s cracked up to be. Kids don’t care about unique, they care about acceptance and security. Having a known enough name fosters that. If they want unique, they can pick out a nickname or use their middle if it strikes their fancy.
That’s my view at least.

This for me too.
I don’t know if we’re talking about the same ones, but the only time I ever went on the baby name game thread it was “You’re a homeless teen mom! Oops, you’re having twins!” What??? I know it’s just a game and maybe I’m oversensitive, but, that’s really a little messed up.

As for the other issues, nothing that bothers me too much. I just try not to take anything personally, it’s a website afterall and name taste is so very subjective. The day it bugs me too much is the day I won’t sign on, haha.

Yes lineska, those ones. Maybe I’m getting old, or have taken too many sociology classes, but I mean… yikes.

The long story-ish baby name games are not my thing. The short ones I rather like.

My pet peeve is sort of what was mentioned above, but for different reasons. When someone posts a thread like “We’re looking for a name for our daughter… We love the L sound in [name]Lily[/name], but my sister used it for her daughter. We’re looking for a good pairing with her sister, [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]” and, in response, someone posts a list of 40 different “L” names. My strategy is usually to pick one or two names that I really, really think fit their criteria (Like “Oh I think either [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] or [name]Lauren[/name] [name]Rose[/name] would pair well with [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name], and both blah blah”) but I feel like it’s not relevant after someone has posted literally [name]EVERY[/name] name in the top 1000 that starts with L or contains an L. It also feels like they’re not really offering advice, just regurgitating a list.

I definitely like seeing a decent sized list of suggested names (maybe no more than 20, I agree that there can be too many suggestions) only because that may be the only person who responds (which happens often). Then at least I have some options.

Biggest pet peeve is rudeness. I absolutely despise confrontation so when someone is seemingly confrontational, I think “Oh great. Here we go again.” I also don’t really understand why someone can say they hate a name. Dislike, sure. Have bad personal connotations, yes. But hate seems a little extreme for something like a name. Then there’s those who call a name something like “a Walmart name”. Well, that’s not constructive and very, very unnecessary. Sometimes I wonder if those who give out those “strong” opinions would be able to take them as well. I try not to say anything that I wouldn’t be able to take coming back at me.

Rolling off what ash and east93 said, I don’t see why popular names are considered bad names by some. If you don’t want to use a popular name, that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad name. Some people are just too judgmental, especially for something that quite literally can’t even do anything to you to make you hate it.

I cannot stand when people take the spelling of a classic name, or twist the spelling of a name so much you can hardly tell how to pronounce it. I understand people want a little uniqueness, but come on…think about the child and how they will probably have a life long battle of people mis-pronouncing their name. Also think when they are 50…do you really think they will appreciate you taking a beautiful name such as [name]Jillian[/name] and completely demolishing it with a spelling “[name]Jolyon[/name]” ( this is not a made up spelling by me, it is hideous) I would think that name is pronounced “JOLLY-ON” NOT [name]Jullian[/name]!! To me its just ridiculous.

Proud Mommy to my beautiful daughter [name]Morgan[/name] [name]Danielle[/name]

Sometimes I find it annoying when someone acts like they are the expert and they keep responding trying to pressure the mom into picking THEIR suggestion… That is super inappropriate.

[QUOTE=kaypot9;1628597]Also think when they are 50…do you really think they will appreciate you taking a beautiful name such as [name]Jillian[/name] and completely demolishing it with a spelling “[name]Jolyon[/name]” ( this is not a made up spelling by me, it is hideous) I would think that name is pronounced “JOLLY-ON” NOT [name]Jullian[/name]!! To me its just ridiculous.

[name]Jolyon[/name] is a medieval variant of the name [name]Julian[/name], not a made-up, butchered spelling.

old lady names & people talking about super crazy, out there name suggestions like theyre super normal. i try to be open, but sometimes you have to think, do i really want to put my child through dealing with this name for the rest of his/her life? lol honestly i saw [name]Elixyvett[/name] on the top name list earlier… really?

[name]Jolyon[/name] is a medieval variant of the name [name]Julian[/name], not a made-up, butchered spelling.[/QUOTE]

In MOST cases people are not going to know that unless you google it. To me it looks as if it would be pronounced JOLLY-ON. Exactly how its written. My point is no matter where its origin (if it has one) it bothers me when people take names so far away from their pronunciation. If that clears up my previous post.

I do not get into the baby name games, so those do not bother me much.

My only annoyance is when I ask for names to fit a certain criteria and people ignore what I have said. I just say “no thanks” and move on since I do not get caught up in it too much. But, annoting when I say “I want this or that letter” and someone ignores that…just bugs me because its like what I am asking for doesnt matter.

I do think that many here at least arenot into kreeatyve spellings, but I am not either. Still, no use being rude, when I see downright mean ness, that makes me sad.

I am a hard person to get upset though, so take that for what its worth. :wink:

I suggest too many names. I know some of you don’t like it, but I get a little caught up in the length of my lists and when I’ve written them down I can’t seem to let go of them again. Maybe I should work at limiting myself to around 20? I often limit myself to two for each letter, but that might be too many as well… Sigh!

On Nameberry, I don’t have very many problems with the community, it’s better than all the others I’ve checked out.
On the one, active Norwegian name forum people seem to think it’s okay to call a name ugly if you say cow-ugly (‘kustygt’). And any name spelled with a ‘foreign letter’ like C or X should be respelled to look ‘Norwegian’. [name]Conrad[/name] becomes [name]Konrad[/name], [name]Cecilia[/name] becomes Sesilia, [name]Clara[/name] becomes [name]Klara[/name], [name]Alexander[/name] becomes Aleksander, [name]Constance[/name] becomes Konstanse.
Any silent letter should be removed, they’re only there for decoration, completely unnecessary. ([name]Noah[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Hannah[/name]) But somehow not the silent letters in the Norse names, they’ve forgotten about those. And God forbid you try to import a new name, like [name]Stella[/name] or [name]Dominic[/name]! Intelligent discussion or collective musing around names also just won’t happen. You voice your opinion, and if someone has a different one and it annoys you, you let them know. Not a very respecting crowd I’m afraid.

I’m glad I have Nameberry, but I hate that there’s no place to discover, discuss and delight in names used in Norway with other Norwegians who know which names work and not. I don’t think anyone here would be able to guess that [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Graham[/name] just wouldn’t work in Norway. ([name]Claire[/name] sounds like the word for ‘clothes’, [name]Graham[/name] wouldn’t be recognisable since we don’t have the ‘ay’ sound unless it’s spelled ‘ei’ and R’s have a different sound entirely).