Is Theresa dated or timeless?

See the results of this poll: Theresa is…

Respondents: 124 (This poll is closed)

  • timeless : 73 (59%)
  • dated: 51 (41%)

My birth name is Theresa (I’ve been called Tressa since birth though).
It’s a bit rare for my age (23) but I think it’s timeless.

It’s funny, seeing your signature, my mom must have had similar tastes to you. I would have been Theresa May if they didn’t plan on nickname-ing me Tressa. (The shampoo TRESemme sounds exactly like Tressa May) And I have a younger sister named Elizabeth. (We also have an older sister named Paula)

Oh! And my confirmation name is [name]Catherine[/name]. too weird.

I think [name]Theresa[/name] is timeless :slight_smile:

I think it’s timeless…but it must have been top ten 50 something years ago…my mom’s office is full of Theresas!

I love it. Especially Tuh-ray-suh though Tuh-reese-uh is pretty also.

I love Mother [name]Theresa[/name] so that adds to the name for me!

I know more older Theresas but I still think it is a timeless name :slight_smile:

Another vote for timeless. I hink it’s a beautiful name - it’s actually SO’s grandmothers name, so I’ve been playing around with it. But I’ve known [name]Theresa[/name]'s in every age bracket, so I don’t really see it as dated.

My aunt is [name]Theresa[/name] and prn. it Tha re suh.

I certainly love to see all the positive comments about [name]Theresa[/name], but the poll is sort of what I was concerned about. There is a very high percent that do see it as dated - I mean I’m not surprised I guess it’s not even in the top 1000 anymore. While I do love [name]Theresa[/name], the other girl names that dh and I have thought about using - [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] - are definately not dated so it’s something for us to consider.

My friend and his wife welcomed a baby girl whom they named [name]Theresa[/name] [name]Pauline[/name] after their grandmother’s. There’s various nicknames as well, [name]Tess[/name], [name]Terry[/name], [name]Risa[/name]/Rhysa, [name]Tara[/name]. I don’t know what name she’d go by in real life as she grows older, but while she’s an infant they’ve come up with the celeb friendly moniker of TPau. :smiley: It’s actually kind of amusing when you understand she won’t really go by that.

I think it’s pretty timeless. I know two [name]Teresa[/name]/Theresas, one [name]Tessa[/name] and one [name]Tressa[/name]. They vary in age from 7 to mid 40s!

My first thought says “dated” but my second thought reminds me that I know people under the age of 40 with this name and the wonderful nicknames ([name]Tressa[/name], [name]Tess[/name], [name]Terry[/name], Resa) and the fact that I think it is pretty. Timeless!

The only [name]Theresa[/name]'s I know are like over 20 years old but I don’t think it’s ever been popular enough to be dated so I’m going to say timeless.

I hadn’t worried about the dated quality of the name figuring she could use [name]Tess[/name] as a nickname, but our last name is Ty$0n and while I like [name]Theresa[/name] Ty$0n I do worry that [name]Tess[/name] Ty$0n sounds a bit like a stutter.

So with a 60/40 split on timeless/dated, I’m a little worried about using it. Would those results concern anyone else or should I remain confident? It’s funny as long as [name]Theresa[/name] was top 1000 I never worried about it being dated but psychologically now that it’s out in no-man’s land I feel a bit concerned about using it.

I think it’s pretty and timeless! I know a 22-year-old [name]Theresa[/name] whose name suits her well. If you want something a little different, you could consider the variation [name]Tereza[/name].

[name]Theresa[/name] is a little dated but I adore its counterparts ([name]Therese[/name], Resa) which sound fresh and new.

I hope this helped x

bump for a real baby =)

I’d love to meet a little [name]Theresa[/name]. I only know one, my cousin, and she’s in her twenties. I can’t picture her with any other name. [name]Theresa[/name] is certainly timeless, not dated.

  • [name]Athena[/name]

I really love [name]Theresa[/name], [name]Therese[/name], [name]Tessa[/name], [name]Tressa[/name], & [name]Tess[/name]. All are so lovely! I hope you decide to use it!!!