Is this name a guilty pleasure?

At the moment, [name_u]Gardner[/name_u] has really started to grow on me. However, is this time too out-there to consider being used in the future? What are your thoughts on [name_u]Gardner[/name_u]? Is it possible to use, or should it remain a guilty pleasure?

I think it’s a bit odd as a first name but not unusable.

I really really like it

I think it’s great and totally useable!

Not at all!:slight_smile: [name_u]Gardner[/name_u] is totally usable, imo.

I think it’s fine :slight_smile:

I think it’s usable. I get the appeal - I really like [name_m]Granger[/name_m] though I’ve never seen it used [name_m]IRL[/name_m].

I know plenty of people with it as a surname and I see no reason why it can’t be a perfectly normal name, not very widely used but I think its fine, shepherd, carter and stuff like that… I mean its an occupational name, I think its just fine.

I think it’s totally usable! Go for it, it’s a cute name!

I dont like it personally, but i think its usable.

I agree that it’s pretty usable :wink: Really on trend as well!

I don’t like it, but it’s definitely useable :slight_smile: Especially with the ‘Space Between Us’ lead character being named that!

[name_u]Gardner[/name_u] isn’t even remotely a GP – I’ve known a few guys with this name, and it never even stood out as unusual. It’s a solid, underused classic.

Thank you for your opinions, everyone! :slight_smile:

It works imo

Not my style, but usable.