Is this name to out there?

I recently heard of the name [name_f]Briar[/name_f] for a boy. I was just wandering if you think this name is to out there or if it is usable. (An older lady that I watch on YouTube mentioned her sons name was briar.)

I like it. For a boy or a girl?


I actually prefer for a boy, although nameberry shows it as a girls only name. I think it’s usable for either.

It’s unusual, but I don’t think it’s too out there. It’s long been popular on these forums and has also been used by celeb parents ([name_f]Rachel[/name_f] Bilson and [name_u]Hayden[/name_u] Christensen have a daughter named [name_f]Briar[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f]) so I suspect it is on the upswing and won’t seem so quirky in a few years’ time. I like it.

I love [name_f]Briar[/name_f] for a girl. I suppose strictly speaking being a nature name it’s unisex, however usage that I’m aware of has only been for girls and it just feels feminine to me.

I grew up with a boy named [name_f]Briar[/name_f] (though he might have spelt it brier I don’t remember) so for me, it’s always had a kind of masculine feel to it

[name_f]Aurora[/name_f]/[name_f]Briar[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f] is a fairly strong feminine association. Then I also know a guy named [name_f]Briar[/name_f] (probably about 20yo) and think of the Brer Rabbit tales. So it is squarely unisex in my opinion and it is definitely useable.

I like the name [name_f]Briar[/name_f] go for it! If you’re really worried about the feminine associate you could always name him [name_m]Brian[/name_m] and have [name_f]Briar[/name_f] as a nickname?

[name_m]Even[/name_m] though I have it on my G.I Girl list -I think it would male an even better boys names. Rough and tumble -prickly [name_f]Briar[/name_f]. Excuse me for stereo-typing but I think its a great idea.

This, absolutely.