When I was a teenager I stumbled upon the name [name]Mairead[/name] in a book. In my mind, I pronounced it like Ma-ray-da. Finding out that was not the proper pronunciation was a little heartbreaking. Unfortunately I only learned the correct pronunciation a short time ago, and I had already mentioned it to my husband as a potential name. Now he loves it too. SO would it be poor form to make up a name, such as Maireadah? I hate the idea of made up names but we both love this as a name!
Most people on this forum are against made-up names with a passion, but I personally am a bit more open to them. If you like the sound, I’d say go for it, though I would recommend the spelling Maraida to get the sound you are looking for.
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I would keep looking… but if you don’t find another name that you love as much as this one, go with it. I would be hesitant to use a name that my child will forever have to spell and pronounce for people, but if it’s a name you love, maybe it’s worth it.
I don’t personally like the look of that spelling but if it’s [name]Merida[/name] you’re trying to get to I think it’s a nice sounding name.
I suggest playing around with spelling variations & looking into the history of the original name or other names with that root.
Maybe I combo like [name]Marie[/name] [name]Ida[/name] or Merit [name]Aida[/name] or [name]Mary[/name] [name]Aria[/name] could be a way to get to a nn with this sound.
I second the suggestion of [name]Merida[/name].
I was going to suggest [name]Merida[/name] as well or [name]Meredith[/name]. [name]Mary[/name] is also very close.
Mahrayda would be the better spelling option though to insure you get the correct pn. I would pn Maireadah as My-reed-ah/uh .
However, imo, both spellings look a bit silly.
I like Alzora’s suggestion of spelling it Maraida. I think it’s straight forward and appealing looking.
Yep my first thought was [name]Merida[/name], and if you want to clarify the pronunciation Mereida/Maraida is a good way to go…
This exactly. No need to make up a name when one with a very similar pronunciation to your favourite pronunciation already exists.
I think it could work in cases like this, especially if there’s still a meaning to the name.
Maireadah just looks like a mess to me.
Maireda would be much better. Is reminds of the name [name]Merida[/name]. Maybe even Meraida/Maraida would work for your pronunciation.
Definitely use [name]Merida[/name]… If you do not your daughter will have to correct everyone who THINKS it is [name]Merida[/name], since they are so close. [name]Love[/name] the name [name]Merida[/name]… please use it!