The name in question is Abednego/Abed-nego. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a name from the Bible. Does it work? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you prefer it with or without the hyphen?
I don’t think it works. But if you do use it, no hyphen.
I really don’t think it’s usable. I guess no hyphen is better, though, if you really want to use it.
Shadrach seems a better option from that Bible story, but it could work as a mn (sans hyphen).
It sounds very “ethnic”, but why not. Without the hyphen.
Usable without the hyphen, but I would say it’s more middle name material.
I’d have to agree with the others. It would work as a middle name though!
Abednego actually has something to it that I like, but I doubt that it’s “usable” in everyday life. If you do chose to go with it, however, leave it unhyphenated.
There are many unknown names in the Bible that are usable but I don’t think Abednego is one of them. It sounds heavy, clunky and quite unattractive and I see (a bed and go :)). If you’re going to use it, please no hyphen.
I like the connection to [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] and his friends, but Abednego wasn’t even his Hebrew name–it was the name of a Babylonian god given to one of [name_m]Daniel[/name_m]'s friends ([name_u]Azariah[/name_u]) to show that Babylon was their new lord and master. I feel like if you want to honor the story, I would suggest that you use the equally rare, but infinitely more approachable, [name_u]Azariah[/name_u] (AZ-ah-rye-ah). It doesn’t have all the baggage and negative associations as Abednego does, but it’s still quite cool, and I’d be really happy to meet an [name_u]Azariah[/name_u]. Hananiah, [name_f]Mishael[/name_f], and [name_u]Azariah[/name_u] always end up getting lumped together, so you don’t have a distinctive character with a cool history to it like [name_m]Daniel[/name_m], but it’s still a cool name and has ties to several cool Old Testament stories.
I knew the reference right away, but I still think that for most people, Abednego would be totally weird and mystifying. Shadrach or [name_m]Meshach[/name_m] would work slightly better, and I love Ashthedreamer’s suggestion of [name_u]Azariah[/name_u].