I suddenly have a very profound love for [name]Sophia[/name]! I actually chose it over [name]Caroline[/name]! Have i lost my mind?
Did you used to hate it? I completely adore it. I nannied a little [name]Sofia[/name] and it is a great name to say a thousand times. I love that it includes the nickname [name]Sofie[/name], and I [name]LOVE[/name] saying [name]Fia[/name] and FiaBia and even [name]FiFi[/name] on rare occasion. I would use the [name]Sophia[/name] spelling, myself. And she’s got so much history! And her meaning is [name]Wisdom[/name]. [name]Sophia[/name] is an all around great name. She certainly deserves her popularity!
I think it’s a beautiful name. I actually know a little [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Caroline[/name]. I don’t think it’s weird that you’ve fallen in love with a name that wasn’t on your radar before. For example, I never used to think about [name]Eleanor[/name], and now I love it and [name]Eleanora[/name]!
Good luck !