I absolutely love Isadora as a name. Isidora is lovely too. The reason why I love it much is not only because of the sound and spelling, but also the meaning: “gift of Isis”. My name is Isis so as some many perceive the meaning as “unfortunate”, personally I think that would be a cute connection between Mother and Daughter. What do you think?
With that being said, I’m having a bit of trouble choosing a middle name. I love Isadora Quinn, Isadora Celeste, and Isadora Ciara. Both Celeste and Ciara are honoring. (Ciara pronounced SEE-AHR-UH btw) Any middle name suggestions?
The connection between [name_f]Isis[/name_f] and [name_f]Isadora[/name_f] is awesome, and you have such a lovely name! I adore [name_f]Isadora[/name_f] [name_f]Celeste[/name_f], it’s my favourite of the three. Here are some more suggestions:
I just want to say I love [name_f]Isidora[/name_f] (prefer this spelling esp given your story)! Want to see it used more, especially since I expect that [name_f]Isis[/name_f] will continue to be name non grata for a while (which makes me sad as I always loved the name).
There a character from a series of unfortunate events called isadora [name_f]Emily[/name_f] Quagmire she’d be a great names sake as she is extremely intelligent and resilient