Isis vs Iris

Similar names, but different feels; and I love them both. I am torn between the two!

[name]Isis[/name]'s meaning: most powerful female goddess (Egyption)
[name]Iris[/name]'s meaning: rainbow

I love both of the meanings. [name]Isis[/name], for obvious reasons, and [name]Iris[/name] because I have always been a rainbow fanatic and love all things colorful! Which one do you like better and why? Please sway me! (ps, this is most likely the middle slot. I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to use as a firstname) Thank you!

I love [name]Isis[/name]!! It sounds fresh and modern. While, to me, [name]Iris[/name] sounds dated. [name]Just[/name] my opinion, but I say [name]Isis[/name]! :slight_smile: