
Hello nameberries,

I fall in love with [name]Isolde[/name] since I watched the movie, [name]Tristan[/name] and [name]Isolde[/name]. It will definitely be a top contender if I’m blessed enough to have another daughter, but I’m afraid people might mispronounce/misspell it and my poor daughter will be tired of correcting people. I have a fairly common name, so I don’t know what it’s like living with a unique and uncommon name. [name]Will[/name] it be a hard name for a little girl to carry? Also, would you like to share your opinions on [name]Isolde[/name]? My husband thinks I’m from Medieval times.:stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you!

I think [name]Isolde[/name] is pretty. I don’t love it but I definitely think it’s stunning and [name]Fleur[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], and [name]Isolde[/name] would be lovely for sisters! [name]How[/name] do you say it? I’ve heard ih-SOLD and ih-[name]SOL[/name]-duh… or maybe with an “EEE” sound at the beginning? I think most would assume ih-SOLD/ee-SOLD, though.

I pronounce it as Ee-zold, based on how I remembered it being pronounced from that movie, but I’m going to guess that it would be butchered horribly and often by the general public, no matter what pronunciation you went with. But I do think it’s a lovely name, and putting it in the middle could be a nice place to use it.

I have an unusual name & I love it. I have spent a lot of time spelling, explaining and correcting my name but I would prefer this than going through life needing to always use my last initial or other means to distinguish me from the 3 other girls in my class/work/group with the same name.

I think it’s a lovely name & sits well with your other girls’ names.

My instinctive pronounciation would be Is-szohld, if that helps?

[name]Love[/name] the name, love the movie. And I have the name [name]Isolde[/name] in my signature. :slight_smile:

I love it!! I tried to talk my partner into it if we have another girl but it won’t happen. :frowning:
It goes perfectly with your other girls names too!

Great name. But i always pronunced it I-[name]Sol[/name]- De…hmmm

It really depends on which culture you’re taking the pronunciation from. Originally, the name was Yseullt/[name]Iseult[/name], which is the spelling and pronunciation I prefer. However, the Normans took the Arthurian name and changed it to [name]Isolde[/name] with the [name]Norman[/name] French pronunciation, Ee-sohld. When [name]Wagner[/name] picked it up, he gave it the [name]German[/name] pronunciation – Eeh-zol-duh. With mythic names that span different languages, you really get to choose how you wish to say it. It’s a lovely name, a lovely (if tragic) story, and goes well with the names of your other daughters.

[name]Ive[/name] never seen the movie but the story and [name]Wagner[/name]'s opera are both very depressing imo, which is weird because I like [name]Ophelia[/name] but the fact that [name]Tristan[/name] and [name]Isolde[/name] died from grief for each other is just overwhelmingly sad.

The only pronunciations I know is “ee sohld” it seems like a given to me but I can see why you might have problems.

Heres a bunch of prn’s on forvo Pronunciations for isolde (from Isolde Charim to Tristan und Isolde) for those interested.

I thought [name]Tristan[/name] and [name]Iseult[/name] predated and influenced Arthurian legend though so now Im confused lol. Are you referring to [name]Thomas[/name] and Beroul’s use of a Celtic story or the name and the time period? I know next to nothing about Arthurian legends and Celtic history and that literature. I do agree that it depends on what culture youre referring too, Im wondering how it was said in the movie (Im assuming “ee sohl d”)

Thanks everyone. [name]Glad[/name] you have positive thoughts on [name]Isolde[/name].:slight_smile:

I sometimes pronounce it ih-sold and sometimes ih-sol-duh, depending on my mood, lol.