Issue when replying to another comment

When I hit the “reply” option that is supposed to make it a reply to a particular previous comment (as opposed to the original topic) it sometimes doesn’t show up as such. (I thought I might’ve made a mistake, but I tried replying again and deleting the original duplicate, but it still doesn’t show up as a reply to the other member’s reply.)

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I have noticed this occasionally too, but I believe the replied-to poster does still get a notification, even when the little symbol doesn’t show up. It’s odd that it only happens sometimes! Thanks for flagging.

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If you want to ensure who you’re replying to knows it’s a reply to their post specifically you can enter their username as for example (@ namefan - removing the space) so it looks like @namefan. I tried this trick earlier today and it worked.

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I noticed the reply often doesn’t show up as a link/symbol on the original comment’s post if there is no other poster between the op and your reply and if you’re the only one replying to the op. Once the op has more than one reply or if there was another post between you and the op, it will show up as “[number] Replies [down arrow]” but as Katinka already said, the op still gets the notification anyway.

And yes, @ username helps too especially if the op has notifications set to “watching” because if it’s set to “watching,” then all replies that are specifically to the OP will look like regular replies and won’t show up as a separate notification so your reply may get drowned out in the sea of other posts when it’s a thread that has a ton of posts (eg quick polls, name of the day, meme threads) while I think @ sometimes help single out your post as a separate notification.