[name]Hi[/name]! I’m looking for Italian boys and girls names that are a bit uncommon and go with the last name Fiorino. Complex pronunciation/spelling issues are not a problem as DH and I live in [name]Italy[/name], though this baby will be born in the States. We have two sons - [name]Lorenzo[/name] (VERY popular) and [name]Cosimo[/name] (not as popular, but still heard quite a bit, top 200-300 on Italian charts I think) - and would like something that would fit with their names but is not too familiar. Any suggestions? Thank You!
ETA: I should probably say that the boys full names are [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name] [name]Diego[/name] Barsanti and [name]Cosimo[/name] [name]Alessandro[/name] [name]Luca[/name] Paoli - [name]LONG[/name], I know, but you can’t leave any one out! Their middle names limit our selection a bit… Wish I had saved some of those for first names!
I was composing a long post of Italian names when my screen suddenly went blank. Grrrr! I will try to redo it, and I’m going to keep posting and editing so I don’t lose it again.
I don’t know what names are popular in [name]Italy[/name], so I will just put names that I like on the list below:
[name]Adriano[/name] - [name]Adrian[/name]
[name]Anselmo[/name] - [name]Ansel[/name]
[name]Antonio[/name] - love the book “Corelli’s [name]Mandolin[/name]”, one of my faves!
[name]Benedetto[/name] - [name]Benedict[/name]
[name]Crispino[/name] - [name]Crispin[/name]
[name]Dante[/name] - very stylish in the U.S.
[name]Ettore[/name] - [name]Hector[/name]
[name]Giotto[/name] - my favorite! - [name]Geoffrey[/name]
[name]Giuliano[/name] - [name]Julian[/name]
[name]Giuseppe[/name] - [name]Joseph[/name]
[name]Lazaro[/name] - [name]Lazarus[/name]
[name]Orlando[/name] - [name]Roland[/name]
[name]Pietro[/name] - [name]Peter[/name]
[name]Reynardo[/name] - [name]Reynard[/name]
[name]Rufino[/name] - Italian for [name]Rufus[/name]
[name]Sergio[/name] - love it!
[name]Vicenzo[/name] - [name]Vincent[/name]
[name]Vittorio[/name] - [name]Victor[/name]
I forgot about the girls!
[name]Berenice[/name] - behr-en-NEECH-eh
Ottalia - not sure if this is Italian.
[name]Rosa[/name], [name]Rosina[/name]
[name]Stellina[/name] - not sure whether this is Italian, but it is so pretty!
Please check the above spellings if you love any of the names. The names were all spelled correctly on my original post, but I don’t have the patience to check them all again.
ETA: I should probably say that the boys full names are [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name] [name]Diego[/name] Barsanti and [name]Cosimo[/name] [name]Alessandro[/name] [name]Luca[/name] Paoli - [name]LONG[/name], I know, but you can’t leave any one out! Their middle names limit our selection a bit… Wish I had saved some of those for first names!
I have starred the boys’ names I think work particularly well with [name]Lorenzo[/name] and [name]Cosimo[/name] (I think all the girls’ names do).
Good luck!
Thank you for all your suggestions. We really like a lot of the names listed, and have chosen our girls name - [name]Fiammetta[/name]. It’s been a favorite of ours for a long time, and DH loves the sound of [name]Fiammetta[/name] Fiorino. Middle names will be [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Giorgina[/name] after both our great grandmothers.
Other names that were in the running:
[name]Artemisia[/name] - for Gentileschi, could call her [name]Mimi[/name]. [name]Will[/name] use this if we ever have another daughter.
[name]Beatrice[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this, but it’s very popular. We are using it as a middle name.
[name]Elettra[/name] - Very pretty
[name]Ginevra[/name] - Again, we both love this, but it’s quite popular
With the boys names we are having a bit of trouble. My favorite was [name]Ugo[/name], but DH’s name is [name]Diego[/name], and [name]Ugo[/name] and [name]Diego[/name] (Italian pronunciation) sound strange together. DH loves [name]Mattia[/name], but it’s really popular, as is [name]Matteo[/name].
My current top 5 names are
[name]Giacomo[/name] - does it sound too much like [name]Cosimo[/name]?
Other favorites are [name]Ignazio[/name], [name]Sergio[/name], [name]Sebastiano[/name], [name]Taddeo[/name], [name]Massimo[/name], [name]Bruno[/name], [name]Dario[/name], [name]Armando[/name], and [name]Aldo[/name].
Such beautiful names still in the running! Since your sons names have that z sound in them I don’t know if you would want the next one to have the same sound or not? In my opinion it doesn’t seem to matter, but it could start to sound a bit “matchy”. I love [name]Aldo[/name] and so happy to see it here! Reminds me of one of my favorite [name]Beverly[/name] [name]Cleary[/name] characters too!
I think my favorite with your sons names is [name]Dario[/name] with [name]Taddeo[/name] (so cool) and [name]Sebastiano[/name] (so lovely in every variation and jealous that its not as popular in [name]Italy[/name] as it is here in the US) not far behind. [name]Aldo[/name] would be my #1, and this may sound really OCD, which I am with names, but I’d like a 3 syllable to go with the others.
Fiametta [name]Beatrice[/name] (pronnounced bee-a-tree-chay right?) [name]Georgina[/name] is breathtaking!
I love your choice of [name]Fiammetta[/name]! Such a gorgeous name. And I love that you are using [name]Beatrice[/name] as a mn - it was on the list I did for you and then I had to take it out as it was in the Top 30. I was surprised, as I never heard it when I was living in [name]Italy[/name], but maybe it has been on the rise there as it is starting to be elsewhere. I’ve never seen the Italian [name]Giorgina[/name] spelling, but it’s gorgeous. So I think [name]Fiammetta[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Giorgina[/name] is a beautiful choice.
From your boys’ list, I have to say [name]Nicola[/name] is a favourite for me, but since you seem to spend some time in the US it does have the downside that it’s feminine there (not that it should necessarily worry you). It also sounds slightly out of place with your other sons’ names. So I think my vote is going to go for [name]Massimo[/name], followed by [name]Taddeo[/name] and [name]Ottavio[/name].
Really looking forward to hearing what you choose!
Nameslover, I adore [name]Fabrizio[/name], but it’s the name of an ex, so that’s a no! Kasheed and lamps thanks for your opinions - glad to see [name]Fiammetta[/name] get positive reviews. And yes Kasheed, we do use the bay-uh-tree-chay pronunctiaion
Lamps, I understand the [name]Nicola[/name] not fitting in the other two, and now I think we do need an “o-ending” name. We’ve added [name]Teodoro[/name] ([name]Teo[/name]), [name]Jacopo[/name] and [name]Amadeo[/name] to the list. [name]Massimo[/name] and [name]Sebastiano[/name] are off the list - DH thinks people will shorten [name]Sebastiano[/name] to ‘bastardo’ (?) - as are [name]Dario[/name] and [name]Bruno[/name] for first names. [name]Amadeo[/name], [name]Taddeo[/name] and [name]Teodoro[/name] are the current frontrunners for me, while DH likes [name]Ignazio[/name] just a bit more. I think the z sound appeals to him.
My absolute favourite for a boy is Innocenti, and for a girl, Adellina (so much pretty nn potential). These are the names i dream of using, if only we didn’t live in [name]Canada[/name]!
I love your boys’ names, by the way.
Best of luck!
Of the suggestions for boys, I also liked [name]Vittorio[/name], [name]Vicenzo[/name], [name]Ignazio[/name]… there were others, but those are all my favorites (since you already used [name]Lorenzo[/name]!)
I am in love with your girl’s name choice and alternates list. That’s just quite awesome and lovely. They all sound so original and affirming, not like the slightly Latin variations we hear in [name]America[/name] that sound more familiar than exotic. [name]Love[/name] strong exotic (to me) international names!
Thank you for all you suggestions and kind wishes. [name]Amadeo[/name] is still our top choice at the moment, though it’s actually spelled [name]Amedeo[/name] in Italian (the [name]Amadeo[/name] spelling is the Spanish variation). I think we’ll spell it with the ‘e.’ It looks a bit more masculine to me and I prefer [name]Ame[/name] [[name]Ah[/name]-meh] to [name]Ama[/name] as a short form.
Now we are starting on middle names - most of this are honoring family or friends:
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Nicola[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Franco[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Gabriele[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Angelo[/name] [I adore [name]Angelo[/name]]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Clemente[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Ignazio[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Mattia[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Andrea[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Dante[/name] [One of my favorites - is it too ‘d’ heavy?]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Renato[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Giacomo[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] Agnolo
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Roberto[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Riccardo[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Carlo[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Giorgio[/name] [This might be my favorite!]
What do you think of those? ^
I really love the suggestion of Innocenti! [name]Amedeo[/name] Innocenti? I’ll put that on the list! I also like [name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Vittorio[/name].
virtualmom, I [name]ADORE[/name] [name]Elisabetta[/name]. It’s my mother-in-law’s name, and I wanted to use it with the nickname “[name]Bettina[/name].” [name]Alas[/name], she forbids it as she hates her name and only goes by [name]Lisa[/name].
I think [name]Amedeo[/name]/[name]Amadeo[/name] is great!
I thought the flow was a little off on some of your combinations. Here are the ones that I think work well:
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Angelo[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Clemente[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Ignazio[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Giacomo[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Roberto[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Riccardo[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Giorgio[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] Innocenti
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Vittorio[/name]
[name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Giorgio[/name] is without doubt my favourite too, followed by [name]Amedeo[/name] [name]Angelo[/name].
Let us know what you pick!
Your boys names are adorable. Here are some ideas for the new baby.
If you want the “-o” ending what about Niccol” instead of [name]Nicola[/name]?
Sorry for any duplicates & if any of these have already been discarded by you), but what about [name]Marcello[/name], [name]Filippo[/name], [name]Francesco[/name] (I know its common) or [name]Maurizio[/name]?
Also, I know you’ve discarded it but I really like [name]Dario[/name]!