Italian Pasta Surname Help

So, some friends and I have an ongoing thing where we name one of the guys in our story after a type of Italian pasta. All of these guys are actually the same guy. He’s really Mr. Linguine, the evil teacher, who was fired, so he became Mr. Ravioli, also an evil teacher, and now he’s branched out and is a personal lawyer for the wealthy [name_m]Greene[/name_m] family. But which type of ‘ee’-ending Italian pasta should be his name? Also, Mr. Linguine’s real name is Linguine Robob Farttoot, and Mr. Ravioli’s full name is Ravioli Bobrob Tootfart. He’s not terribly creative. But he’s learned some things for his role as lawyer [name_u]Michael[/name_u], although he just can’t steer clear of that darn Italian pasta…
