I’m very excited! The whole pregnancy so far I’ve been feeling like it’s a girl (maybe just wanting really hard) but every dream I’ve had about the baby, he was always a boy. (I even had a dream that I named him [name]Bandit[/name] Mr. Grass. LOL?!)
Since finding out the gender, I’ve put my girl names away for another time and my boy list has grown. Opinions?
Middle name [name]WILL[/name] be [name]Alexander[/name] for family reasons.
[name]Dakota[/name] - [name]Long[/name] time favorite, but it’s the “which one doesn’t belong” name.
[name]Ezra[/name] - #1 right now. If I had to name him today, this would be it. I don’t want to be a crazy person and bin a name because of popularity, but is this too trendy?
Fennec - Is this a fox?
[name]Felix[/name] - Detailed opinions on this one pleeeease. I want to love it but…
[name]Jasper[/name] - [name]Long[/name] time favorite.
[name]Jupiter[/name] - (This one is out as far as first names go, but I want it for a second middle. No?)
[name]Kellen[/name]/[name]Kellan[/name] - Mom’s suggestion. I don’t know yet.
[name]Milo[/name] - Before I knew he was a boy, this was my #1 name. It’s just slightly behind [name]Ezra[/name].
[name]Porter[/name] - I like it, but I know someone with this name. [name]Will[/name] that association go away?
[name]River[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]. Tied with #1.
[name]Rowan[/name] - I want to like it for a boy… but…
And any suggestions would be lovely! I am still looking for new names but I feel like I’ve seen them ALL.
Your favourite three, [name]Ezra[/name], [name]Milo[/name] and [name]River[/name], are my favourite three from your list and two of them are part of my top 5 favourite boy’s names right now too. [name]Ezra[/name] appears popular on here but is it that well used [name]IRL[/name]? I’ve never met one or heard of one either but I am in the UK.
[name]River[/name] is gorgeous, and [name]Milo[/name] is so cute. I do prefer [name]Miles[/name] nn [name]Milo[/name] a little bit more.
[name]Rowan[/name] is perfect for a boy, so handsome and really fits with the others on the list too. I like [name]Kellan[/name], [name]Dakota[/name], [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name] too. [name]Felix[/name] is very popular on here and I find it pretty trendy [name]IRL[/name] in the UK. [name]Dexter[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] seem to be too very hot boy’s names right now. [name]Jasper[/name] is another on the rise.
Fennec, [name]Jupiter[/name] and [name]Porter[/name] are my least favourites.
[name]Rowan[/name], [name]Milo[/name], and [name]Jasper[/name] are the ones I like from your list.
I dislike [name]River[/name], [name]Dakota[/name], [name]Jupiter[/name], Fennec, [name]Porter[/name], and [name]Felix[/name]. They are NMS and frankly they have a trendy feel to me with the added feeling that you are trying too hard. [name]Just[/name] my opinion though, maybe not.
[name]Ezra[/name] is not my favorite but I don’t dislike it.
Lol at Bandit Mr. Grass! I love hearing about other people’s dreams, it’s always amusing.
Dakota- I’m sorry, I really dislike this. I have negative associations and now all I can see is a drug addled degenerate.
Ezra- adore this!
Fennec- yes, this is a fox. But an adorable and exotic fox at that! I think it’s potential as a name is plausible as it very similar to Finnic, although why not just use Finnic? That being said, I don’t dislike it and think it makes an interesting name choice.
Felix- another great one, but kind of surnamey, which I’m not necessarily opposed to.
Jasper- a long time favorite of mine as well
Jupiter- I’m not a fan of space/mythology names
Kellan- it’s nice, but feels a little trendy which is probably why your mother likes it. I’m assuming she’s part of the generation responsible for classrooms full of Jessica’s, Josh’s, and Alex’s.
Milo- I like it, but I don’t feel it ages now. All the Milo’s I knew growing up became surfers and “artists”
Porter- I’m not sure how I feel about this. It reminds me of portly.
River- I dislike this, but I grew up in Topanga Canyon and knew tons of boys names river. It just feels a little like its trying to hard to be naturey and serene. I mean, I get it. Rivers are beautiful and we all love them. But the name is passé. Sorry if this is harsh! I know you love it, a lot of people do.
Rowan- I like this a lot for a boy or a girl. But it’s not my absolute favorite.
I can get a better idea of how the names will flow if you tell us the syllables (and maybe beginning/ending sounds) of your last name. I know it’s not ideal with privacy issues, so here’s what I think.
[name]Dakota[/name]- I think [name]Dakota[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is a lot of name. If you have a shorter last name, this could work, but with a 3 syllable first name and a 4 syllable middle name, it seems a bit much. Also, the fact that [name]Dakota[/name] ends in an “A” and [name]Alexander[/name] begins with an “A”, I feel they run into each other a bit.
[name]Ezra[/name]- A nice name, and not too trendy in my opinion. This has been a long time family name of mine, so I am a little partial. Unfortunately it has the same “A” problem as [name]Dakota[/name]… (this does not matter nearly as much to some people as it does to me, but I am definitely name picky.)
[name]Felix[/name]- I love [name]Felix[/name] so much. It was on my own list for a while until my family vetoed it (I’m guilty of giving my parents and in-laws a vote. Not something I would recommend for anyone else)… But, again, with [name]Alexander[/name]… [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Alex[/name] have the same sounds.
[name]Jasper[/name]- Another name I love. And here’s where I really start to get on your nerves (if I haven’t already)… both names end in “er”. Same endings work sometimes (like soft, flowy girls names that end in lilting “a’s”), but I think in the case of [name]Jasper[/name] and [name]Alexander[/name], they’re both so harsh sounding that it doesn’t work. For me.
[name]Jupiter[/name]- Another 3 syllable one. And with the same ending as [name]Jasper[/name]. [name]Jupiter[/name] is… strange. Not one of my favorites on the list and seems like more of an “odd one out” than [name]Dakota[/name].
[name]Kellen[/name]/[name]Kellan[/name]- I really like this one for you, and I much prefer the [name]Kellan[/name] spelling. The fact that the “an” repeats in [name]Alexander[/name] could be a problem, but they have different sounds so I like it (It’s a little “l” heavy, but that doesn’t bother me. Does your last name have any “l’s”?)
[name]Milo[/name]- This one is my second favorite. I don’t have much to say about it, I just think the flow is nice.
[name]Porter[/name]- Same hard “r” at the end as [name]Alexander[/name]. Too harsh sounding.
[name]River[/name]- I’ve never been a fan of this, but I can see you love it. This could work with [name]Alexander[/name], but it’s really “r” heavy and “r’s” have such a harsh sound for me. The ending is throwing me off because it breaks the “flow” that I love so much in name combinations.
[name]Rowan[/name]- [name]Love[/name] this one! It’s my favorite. I usually prefer it on a girl, but it works. Same “an” that’s in [name]Kellan[/name], but without the overpowering “l’s”.
[name]Dakota[/name] – I love [name]Dakota[/name] on a boy and I’ve met 2. I think it’s handsome.
[name]Ezra[/name] – I don’t like it because it’s a bit too biblical for me, but I think it has a nice enough sound. I don’t like it with middle name [name]Alexander[/name].
Fennec - Yes this is a type of [name]Fox[/name]. A very cute fox. I do think it makes a fine name though. It sounds good with [name]Alexander[/name] too.
[name]Felix[/name] – This one was on our long list. I really love it. It’s handsome and quirky all at once and could fit on any type of person. [name]Felix[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is to die for!
[name]Jasper[/name] – I like it fine, but it’s sort of blah to me. I don’t like the repeated -er ending with [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Jupiter[/name] – dislike for a first name, but I think it’s fine in the middle. I don’t like the repeated -er endings
[name]Kellen[/name]/[name]Kellan[/name] – meh, this is another blah one to me. It’s nice but sort of boring
[name]Milo[/name] – I love this one and the sound is great. Very cool. [name]Milo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is very nice
[name]Porter[/name] – The association will go away, but I just think of beer and someone who carries other peoples bags
[name]River[/name] – [name]One[/name] of my fave nature names! I know one [name]River[/name] and he is amazing!
[name]Rowan[/name] – I like this fine on a boy. I think it has handsome, strong sounds. [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is very nice
[name]Dakota[/name] - never really liked this name, in the south it’s sort of a cliche “redneck” name, like [name]Hunter[/name] and [name]Colt[/name].
[name]Ezra[/name] - I don’t hate it, it reminds me of the band Better than [name]Ezra[/name]. It’s okay.
Fennec - The most adorable fox in the world to be specific! I would love to hear this on a real child, totally awesome!
[name]Felix[/name] - [name]Felix[/name] is at the top of my list for boys as well, I just love the spunky, hip image it gives off. I do see it getting kind of trendy in the future maybe…all the X names are getting there.
[name]Jasper[/name] - It’s alright, I want to like this name more but all I think of is the evil dognapper from 101 Dalmations.
[name]Jupiter[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it in the middle spot, very cool.
[name]Kellen[/name]/[name]Kellan[/name] - I have a soft spot for this name even though popularity will keep me from ever using it [name]IRL[/name].
[name]Milo[/name] - On my list as well, seems like it might sky rocket soon though. And all this malarkey about it not aging well, the only [name]Milo[/name]'s I’ve ever met in person have been over 70, and they wore it quite well!
[name]Porter[/name] - Not a fan, it gives off a snobby upper crust vibe to me… I don’t know why.
[name]River[/name] - I adore [name]River[/name] for very personal reasons but I will probably not use it due to it being the cliche “hippy” name. [name]Love[/name] it though.
[name]Rowan[/name] - I of course love the name [name]Rowan[/name]. On either gender, it’s a great name. Strong, natural, perfect in every way.