It's finally here!

After dreaming about babies and names for the past year, today we found out we are expecting! We haven’t told anyone yet, but are still soaking it in. I have my first appointment scheduled for [name]June[/name] 26th. Now it’s time to get serious about names! : )

Congratulations! So exciting!

Congrats Marissalou! Today I (finally) crossed the 12-week mark of my first trimester and I couldn’t be more excited either! Hubby and I tried for over a year, after losing our first one, so I know exactly how it feels to finally get that positive. Enjoy every second of it! I say just enjoy it, just the two of you, for a little while before telling anyone else. It’s such a special time!
And I know it will most likely seem like your week 12 is an eternity away, that’s how mine felt. But it seriously went by in a blink. Now I have 6.5 more weeks to wait until the anatomy scan and I hear if it’s a boy or a girl! A lot of pregnancy is a waiting game so I guess we should just get used to it.
[name]Happy[/name], healthy baby thoughts to you and your so!


Congratulations! What a special time for you and your partner!!! Enjoy it. :slight_smile:

Congrats! Very very exciting time for you all. I can’t wait until we start to TTC again :slight_smile:

Congratulations! [name]How[/name] exciting!!!

Congratulations and good luck!

Congrats to you on your pregnancy! Let the excitement sink in!