So, my mom was here visiting just for the weekend. It was so nice to have her around. I dropped her off yesterday at the airport at 4:30 am, for her flight at 6. She is only an hours flight to home. I spoke to her later that day, say around 4:30pm, and she said that she had started to feel really nauseous and achey and tired. I thought it was probably just from being up so early and traveling. But no. By 6pm she had already gotten sick once. And this morning texted me saying she had been up getting sick all night. The dreaded stomach bug.
So here I am, pregnant, and freaking out of course. I looked up about the norovirus. It says that people aren’t contagious until they start feeling sick, and symptoms can come on from 12-48 hours after contact with the virus. No one here was sick, although we did go out shopping sometimes. I just don’t know where she caught it from! And now I am totally freaking out. I shared Chapstick and a bite of food on [name_f]Sunday[/name_f]! But I’m thinking that I can’t have caught it the same time she did, and that I can’t catch it from her because she didnt start to feel sick until she got home! Ugh. It has been 31 hours since contact with her and still nothing. Though I read the virus can live for up to two weeks on surfaces. [name_m]Even[/name_m] carpet. [name_m]How[/name_m] am I suppose to disinfect my carpet?!
I am so paranoid about germs. Last year I had mono and it was the worse experience of my life. My immune system was shot, I felt nauseous 24/7 for over 6 months, and I caught absolutely anything and everything. I would get sick, start to get over it, have a few days of feeling ok, and then id get something new. [name_m]Even[/name_m] ended up in the ER a few times, and multiple times on IV liquids. It’s funny though because since I’ve been pregnant, it’s been like a cure! I’ve felt great, had more energy, haven’t been sick once. But am still so paranoid about picking something up. And now I don’t just have to worry about me feeling miserable. I have to worry about weather or not what I pick up could affect the baby! So scary! And on top of that I can’t take any medication to make myself feel better if I were to get sick. And, the sad part is, it is just the beginning of ‘sick season’ it won’t stop until the baby is here! Which is sort of good in a sense- at least my newborn won’t be exposed to all this illness until he is a bit older.
Anyways, that was my rant. Anyone else nervous about going into this flu and cold season? I hear being pregnant seems to give people extra immunity haha. Hoping this is the case. Now I’m off to disinfect the house! And try to find a nice big bubble to live in for the next 4 1/2 months!