I've overdone it with names!

There were so many girl names that I loved and now I’ve either found something wrong with them or just grown tired of them. I think I’m putting too much time into names. Any ideas?

What were some names you were considering?

I’m not expecting but there’s always a list in my mind…

[name]Delia[/name], [name]Agatha[/name], [name]Alaina[/name], [name]Sage[/name], [name]Ashlyn[/name], [name]Nala[/name], [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Mia[/name], [name]Bianca[/name], [name]Anna[/name], [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Seraphina[/name], [name]Taline[/name], [name]Cheyenne[/name]

[name]Connor[/name], [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Ronan[/name], [name]Corbin[/name], [name]Caleb[/name], [name]Anthony[/name], [name]Elliot[/name], [name]Travis[/name], [name]Samuel[/name], [name]Timothy[/name], [name]Leo[/name], [name]Dylan[/name], [name]Levi[/name]

Some I don’t really like anymore, some I’m bored with, and some I like but just can’t imagine using.

Maybe it helps to get some fresh inspiration? Tonight I’m scouring lists of Medieval names for new ideas. A few gems I’ve come across are [name]Aviva[/name], Avelina, [name]Lina[/name], Dionisia, Osmer, [name]Everard[/name], Hereward, [name]Edric[/name], Elric, and Fray. Very interesting reading!

Wow, haven’t heard [name]Cheyenne[/name] mentioned in a while. [name]Love[/name] it. Also love [name]Seraphina[/name], Biana, [name]Ronan[/name], [name]Dylan[/name], [name]Elliot[/name] and [name]Griffin[/name]. Actually, [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Griffin[/name] sounds nice. Whenever I feel like I’m second-guessing my favorites I scan over my “discarded” list, the names I used to love but tossed for whatever reason, and I usually find that I want to add one back. When I need inspiration I look at other people’s name blogs.

In my experience, it’s easy to “over think” a name. I could have talked myself out of each name that I gave my daughters. In the end, it came down to my (and my husband) having a good feeling about that particular name. It also helps to give myself some time with a name. I’ll try it out for a while, look at it written down, imagine calling my child by it. If I end up having some strong reservations, then I try out another.

And, if it helps, I do like quite a few of the names on your list.

I’m not expecting (not for another 10 years at least!) but I know what you mean about over thinking names. For me, the one name I love and have always loved is [name]Violet[/name]. I have gotten some seriously negative reactions (that sounds like violent!) but nonetheless I continue to love it. That’s how I know a name should stay on my list. Sometimes when I get tired of trying to make a list I like to just flip through a baby name book and land on a name. Then I just think about that name for the rest of the day. Sometimes the result is just terrible, but other times I am left feeling inspired!

A friend of mine is pregnant and I was talking about names with her yesterday. She’s in high school and way too young to have a baby. We aren’t close, just have a mututal friend, so I didn’t want to critisize her names too badly. But when I shared the names with some other people I know who are a lot older, they said the names were obviously thought of by a teenager. I plan on having children young (early 20’s) which isn’t that far away, and I think my big thing is trying to be unique without making it sound like a teenager made it up.

[name]Alaina[/name] is a beautiful name! I like the spelling [name]Elena[/name] better, but boy, that will be the name of my child! [name]Bianca[/name] is another favourite! And [name]Taline[/name] is interesting, reminds me of my other favourite name, [name]Tally[/name]. I think you have a good list of names! [name]Seraphina[/name] is gorgeous with somuch nickname potential.