How does he say it? Not a baseball fan lol
Like your second pronunciation choice!
Like in math class!
Either way is correct. Personally I prefer the [name_m]Jack[/name_m] o bee and I really like the name too.
Ohh this name… I have a story about it that still haunts me.
I know that this name is pronounced juh-co-bee (or at least, that’s the only way I’ve heard it). I work at a hospital and, one day in Labor & Delivery, a couple named their baby [name_m]Jacoby[/name_m].
Idk why, but I looked at the name on the white board and pronounced it Jacob-ee. I’ll never forget the look of horror on their face. I apologized profusely, because I know that’s not how to say it, but they said every staff member had pronounced it that way
I hope they’re doing well with their little [name_m]Jacoby[/name_m]. It is a great name. I just had a brain fart lol. A singer in an alt/metal band is also named this, he goes by the nickname [name_m]Coby[/name_m] or [name_m]Koby[/name_m], not sure how he spells it.
[name_f]My[/name_f] actual instinct has always been JAY-cuh-bee (like [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] + ee, oops ), but I’ve been told it’s actually JACK-uh-bee so that’s probably what I’d go with as a first guess if I met one! I wouldn’t be surprised to meet a juh-COH-bee either though.
I say JACK-a-bee.
Ya know depending on context I have said it both ways.