Jade or Bodhi?

I am having my third boy. [name]Rocco[/name] and [name]River[/name] are my boys names. Tell me which name you like best for my next boy.

  1. [name]Bodhi[/name] [name]Rain[/name]-this feels very cool, earthy, nice and wholesome to me which I love. I also could get into [name]Bo[/name] as a nickname.
  2. [name]Jade[/name] [name]Ryon[/name]- I think [name]Jade[/name] sounds more boy than girl to me and totally think I could rock it but definitely want to know some feedback. I feel like [name]Jade[/name] is a cool boy name.

Definitely looking for feedback from as many people as possible. I love this website!



I think [name]Bodhi[/name] would go really well with your [name]Rocco[/name] and [name]River[/name].

I think girl when I see [name]Jade[/name], it’s a lovely name, but I can’t get past the number of exotic dancers named [name]Jade[/name]. Sorry.

Go with what you love, but I think the combo of [name]Bodhi[/name] [name]Rain[/name] is pretty cool.

[name]Bodhi[/name] by far! [name]Jade[/name] is a female name and like the pp said, it’s kind of a stripper name or at the least a third wife name.

i’m cracking up!

Could [name]Jaden[/name] work?

I’m so over [name]Jaden[/name] right now. I thought the sound of [name]Jade[/name] was strong and masculine and different for a boy. I love [name]Bodhi[/name] also but am shocked noone likes [name]Jade[/name]. Thats why I wanted peoples honest opinions who don’t know me. Thanks for responding:)