My oldest son’s name is [name]James[/name]. We like the name [name]Jake[/name] for our second boy but I am wondering if it’s too close to [name]James[/name]. Coordinating siblings names is not my intention. Opinions please.
[name]Do[/name] you have any other children? I think personally siblings can have the same beginning letter to their name ONLY if they all do or ALL don’t. Does that make since… [name]James[/name], [name]Jake[/name], and [name]Josephine[/name]… ok! But NOT [name]James[/name], [name]Jake[/name], and [name]Susanna[/name]… Lol. [name]IMO[/name] :). I think it leaves ones out… I don’t think most people care but I do… Weird, I know. I have cousins… [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Alex[/name], and [name]Ruth[/name]. And I feel like [name]Ruth[/name] is left out but I doubt she cares… HAHAHAHA!
I agree with the previous poster. Using [name]Jake[/name] kind of locks you into the “J” theme in my opinion. If you aren’t planning on more kids, it might not be a problem; but also, if you plan to have a lot more kids, I would save it to have a couple kids between them. Two similar names can work on siblings, as long as they aren’t right next to each other.
The only problem might be if you are calling one of them, they may not know who you are talking to. My name is [name]Whitney[/name] and my brother is [name]Kenny[/name]. When we were young we never could tell which one of us my mom was calling if she was very far away because the endings were the same. Not a huge deal, but it was a bit annoying sometimes. [name]Do[/name] you call [name]James[/name] [name]James[/name] or [name]Jim[/name]/[name]Jimmy[/name]? That could make a difference. My brother’s name is actually [name]Kenneth[/name], so it didn’t rhyme at first, but he has always just gone by [name]Kenny[/name], even now. I wouldn’t use [name]Jake[/name] personally because of the similarities, but if it’s the only name you like, I think it could work.
Thanks so much for your feedback!
I personally think it is fine. Two classic boys names. I disagree with pp about being tied into the J theme. Says who?
I hate to go against the grain… but I think the names are a bit too similar… both Ja, both one syllable… I am not in love with the similarity… although it is a total personal decision, no right or wrong.
I think they go well together. I agree that you would be ‘locked in’ to the J theme though. I hate when I see a family with two kids iwth one syllable and then a random syllable thrown on thier third.
This is something to consider. I know sisters named [name]Kasia[/name] and [name]Basia[/name], and also a mother and daughter named [name]Monika[/name] and [name]Dominika[/name]. I’ve observed that there tends to be confusion when one of their names is called out.
Monkeywrench: It’s an issue of too close for me, but not because of the J-name theme. I’d be fine with [name]Josiah[/name]/[name]Jasper[/name]/[name]Joaquin[/name]/[name]Jonathan[/name] or a multitude of other J-names, but [name]James[/name] is [name]Jacob[/name].
[name]James[/name] is a translation of [name]Jacob[/name]. I wouldn’t have both, or add a [name]Hamish[/name] (Scottish for [name]James[/name]) into the mix either. It’d bug me more than alliteration, personally. But I am maybe being a geek?
The name came into English language from the Old French variation James[1] of the late Latin name, Iacomus; a dialect variant of Iacobus, from the New Testament Greek Ἰάκωβος (Iák”bos), from Hebrew יעקב (Yaʻaqov).
So, I like both [name]James[/name] and [name]Jacob[/name], but I wouldn’t have both in the same family.
I agree too close, and [name]Jake[/name] is a nn and [name]James[/name] a formal name.
I think it’s fine if you want to stick to a “J” naming theme. I’m one of those OCD baby name people who doesn’t like two letters matching and one different, though