Jane vs June

I’ve really been into short names lately and love both of these names for different reasons. They only have a one letter difference in spelling, but are worlds apart in character and personality, I think. Which is your favorite (for a first name) and why?




[name]Jane[/name] is one of my favorite names. I really dislike [name]June[/name]. There was a [name]June[/name] on a reality show that was kind of vile. Kind of taints it for me.

I actually love both of these. They are both on my list and for a few months a couple years ago [name]June[/name] was at the very top of my list. I love the nn [name]June[/name] Bug it’s so sweet. But currently I think I like [name]Jane[/name] better. It’s such a lovely classic and to be it has a I don’t know…not really a musical quality but…almost a chime-y quality. To me [name]Jane[/name] sound feminine and sweet but will age very well. You can see [name]Jane[/name] on a sweet little baby or a wild toddler and an angsty teen and a professional adult and a grandmother dandling her grandkids on her knee. So my vote would go to [name]Jane[/name].

I adore the name [name]Jane[/name]! I think that it is the ultimate name in terms of short and simple yet complete.
To me, [name]June[/name] has almost a harsh sound. I just don’t like the name.

Definitely [name]Jane[/name]!

imo, [name]June[/name] = grandmotherly, stuffy name (not that grandmothers are stuffy at all)

[name]Jane[/name] = romantic & Victorian a la [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] & [name]Jane[/name] Eyre, yet spunky, fresh & alive = [name]Jane[/name] of Lantern [name]Hill[/name] (book by author of [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables), plus there’s [name]Jane[/name] Goodall as a name “twin” :slight_smile:

I like both, but prefer [name]June[/name] by quite a bit. I love the imagery that the name [name]June[/name] brings to mind. It makes me think of early summer weather, [name]June[/name] flowers and the twittering of birds in the morning. It also helps me reminisce about the joy I would get as a child from the last day of school and the promise of summer vacation.

[name]Jane[/name] is classy and I love the literary associations. But, alas, [name]Jane[/name] will always be plain [name]Jane[/name].

[name]Jane[/name]! I love the nn [name]Janie[/name]. [name]June[/name], even though 1 syllable, is harder for me to say, like I have to concentrate to hold the ooo sound long enough to make it sound right and not slurred. Maybe that’s just me.

[name]Jane[/name] for sure!

Oh I love them both. Personally I think I like [name]Jane[/name] a tiny bit better (but my sister likes [name]June[/name], so maybe that’s why). They do have different name images tho, so maybe coming up with some middle name ideas will help you sort it out a bit!

I prefer [name]Jane[/name], it’s so streamlined and clean sounding.

[name]June[/name] is all right but has a very different feel. I only know older women with this name. I don’t mind [name]Juno[/name] or [name]Junia[/name].

I’d chose [name]Junia[/name], for a bit of both. :slight_smile:

I love both. [name]Jane[/name] feels pretty and sweet but strong and [name]June[/name] feels spunkier, to me.

[name]Love[/name] love love [name]Jane[/name].

[name]Jane[/name] is my favorite! So classic and refined but at the same time adorable on a little girl. [name]Jane[/name] has many many more positive references and namesakes. [name]June[/name] and all of the other month names don’t appeal to me at all, sorry. =]

[name]June[/name], definitely; it’s sweet and soft, almost a little too sweet and soft. I’ve always loved [name]Juniper[/name].

With [name]Jane[/name], I just can’t get away from the “plain [name]Jane[/name]” thing, which is sad.

[name]June[/name]! It’s a bit more spunky, along with still being sweet. It also reminds me of a sophisticated woman from the 20’s or 30’s. [name]Jane[/name] is nice, but i agree with uselesskitty that [name]Jane[/name] screams “Plain [name]Jane[/name]” to me.

[name]June[/name] has more personality! I think of [name]June[/name] [name]Carter[/name]–actually, no, I think of [name]Reese[/name] Witherspoon PLAYING [name]June[/name] [name]Carter[/name] in the movie Walk the [name]Line[/name]. Also, if you have not looked up the children’s book series [name]Junie[/name] B. [name]Jones[/name], I highly recommend doing so. They are so fun!

[name]Both[/name]. Maybe [name]Jane[/name] if you’re looking for a first name, [name]June[/name] if you’re looking for a middle. I love the radical plainness and the surprising grace of [name]Jane[/name]. She’s like the girl who lived down the street from you but you never realized how gorgeous she was until you were reunited one summer… [name]June[/name] has a free-spirit feeling and a bit of voluptuousness thanks to the U-sound.

[name]Jane[/name] is my preference.

I love [name]June[/name]! I think it sounds very sweet and spunky at the same time.