Jatie Vlogs Baby

Josh and Katie Bruekner, a couple I watch on YouTube, are expecting a baby, and are soon to find out the gender! Do you think it’s a boy or girl?

  • Boy :blue_heart:
  • Girl :sparkling_heart:

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Also drop name suggestions!

Today’s the day they are posting the gender reveal! I will post the results later today! :sparkling_heart::blue_heart:

The results are in! [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Bruekner is a [name_f]Girl[/name_f]! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

I was thinking boy since the old wives tales said they were having a boy… But I’m so happy they are having a baby girl!!!

They had their baby!

[name_u]Skye[/name_u] [name_f]Mae[/name_f] Brueckner :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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