See the results of this poll: Opinions on the name Jocelyn Joyce "JJ".
Respondents: 40 (This poll is closed)
- Jocelyn Joyce is a cut name for a little girl! : 11 (28%)
- Jocelyn & Joyce are too similar for first & middle names.: 29 (73%)
Respondents: 40 (This poll is closed)
Definitely not unusable, just similar.
I wouldn’t say it’s unusable, but they do share a lot of similar sounds so I don’t think it’s ideal. If you love it you should keep it on your list.
Maybe go with [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] [name_f]Joy[/name_f] instead. I think it’s super cute and [name_f]Joy[/name_f] could honor someone named [name_u]Joyce[/name_u] if it’s a family name for you.
[name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] [name_f]Joy[/name_f] sounds better. [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] [name_u]Joyce[/name_u] is just a bit of a tongue twister.
I agree that it’s a bit of a tongue twister, but not unusable. I think something like [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_u]Joyce[/name_u] would break up all the "O"s, "J"s, "C"s–[name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] and [name_u]Joyce[/name_u] have the same letters, minus the “L” and “N” in [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f]–but if you love it (especially if [name_u]Joyce[/name_u] is a family name?), then I don’t see anything wrong with using it.
Far too similar - take out two letters and move the y and it’s the same name. Nameberry even suggests [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] as an honor name for a [name_u]Joyce[/name_u].
I’ll give my case for double first letters: [name_m]Allen[/name_m] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] Milne, otherwise known as A.A. Milne, the author of the [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] the Pooh stories and other poems. So I’d say it’s a perfectly sound choice–one that has a lovely ring to it!