
A while ago I came across a school yearbook from like kindergarten or something, and I remembered one of the little girls in my class whose name was [name]Judith[/name] [name]Grace[/name]. It jumped out at me and I think [name]Judith[/name] is really growing on me. What do you think of the name [name]Judith[/name] and what are some names you think would make a good sibset? (This is all hypothetical, btw).

It still feels so dated to me and I honestly have a hard time picturing it on a little girl/young child.

I agree.

I visualize that dorky woman from 3rd [name]Rock[/name] from the [name]Sun[/name]

I’ve never met a [name]Judy[/name] or [name]Judith[/name] under 50 and it really hasn’t sprung back yet.

It’s not horrible and [name]Judy[/name] is okay, but yea, I find it hard to imagine a beautiful young woman or a sweet toddler named [name]Judith[/name].

I do feel like it is dated. I really don’t think I can picture it on a 8-year-old, a toddler or a 14-year-old. But it is your choice ultimately.

I think I’m in the minority and actually think [name]Judy[/name] would be a cute little girl

I think Judith is a fine name. It is a bit old-fashioned, but so are Eleanor, Hazel, Mabel, etc. and those names are becoming popular. My husband’s younger cousin (she’s probably in junior high now, I think) is named Judith, but she is named after their great-aunt who is a nun. I also went to elementary school with a girl named Judith, so she would be in her mid-20s now. I think Judy is a cute nickname for a little girl. It’s not dissimilar from Lucy and Ruby, which many people love here on NB. Also, if Jude is perfectly acceptable for a boy, why NOT Judy for a girl?

I’d have to agree with pps that it’s one of those names that’s dated, but not dated enough that it will become fresh again soon. My mother-in-law’s name is [name]Judy[/name], and she’s in her 50s.

Sorry! (For what it’s worth, I do think that it would be okay as a middle.)

I know about a dozen baby-boomers named [name]Judy[/name]/[name]Judith[/name]. I’d go with [name]Jude[/name] or something else entirely. I don’t really like any names that include ‘th’ except [name]Nathalie[/name] (since it’s silent).

I’d love to meet a little [name]Judith[/name].

I just can’t get behind this one. I don’t dislike it, but I would never use it.

I’m with the minority. [name]Judith[/name] is darling, and [name]Judy[/name] is a spunky retro nickname. I think it’s surprising on a young child, but it still works surprisingly well (think of [name]Judy[/name] [name]Moody[/name]).

I like it, caveat: with “[name]Jude[/name]” as a nickname and if it were my name I would correct anyone who called me [name]Judy[/name].

Reminds me of [name]Edith[/name], which I also like.

I am another who LOVES [name]Judith[/name]. I think its so classy and beautiful. If I had a half dozen daughters, I’d probably use it as as middle (or maybe first) name.

I used to dislike [name]Judith[/name], but since I’ve discovered [name]Judith[/name] [name]Durham[/name], lead singer of The Seekers, I’ve loved it! Her voice is so sweet, pure and angelic and she has always looked so elegant. As a result the name [name]Judith[/name] seems so approachable, warm and friendly to me now.

Getting off topic here but the same song sung in:
1967: - YouTube ([name]Judith[/name] was in her 20s)
2013: The Seekers-The Carnival Is Over - YouTube (almost 70)
[name]How[/name] does one’s voice stay so clear at nearly 70 years old?!

Okay, I am in my (very) late 50’s so this could affect my opinion, but I think [name]Judith[/name] is a beautiful name and it ticks a lot of the boxes for today’s namers.

  1. It is a Biblical name
    2a) It is a name rarely used any more
    2b) It is at #896 in the US so little [name]Judith[/name] won’t be one of many
  2. [name]Judith[/name] seems to fit in with [name]Hazel[/name], [name]Edith[/name], and her sisters.

Yep, me too! I prefer [name]Jude[/name] to [name]Judy[/name] as a nn, and I tend to love names with the th ending, like [name]Edith[/name], [name]Lilith[/name], [name]Tanith[/name], [name]Blythe[/name].

I have a love/hate relationship with [name]Judith[/name]. Some days I think it sounds old ladyish and dated, others I think it sounds striking, romantic and medieval. Right now I’m in a love phase with it so I say yes, go ahead and use [name]Judith[/name]. It’s lovely.

Not a fan of the nickname [name]Judy[/name] though . That definitely does sound dated!

I love [name]Judith[/name]. I think it is time for a come back

[name]Judith[/name] is the little baby girl within The Walking Dead series. Given the popularity of both the comic and the TV show, I could see it rising in years to come. Also for me, [name]Judy[/name] [name]Jetson[/name] and the song “[name]Judy[/name] in Disguise” come to mind, so it doesn’t seem so old to me.

Looks like [name]Judith[/name] is pretty polarizing. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Judith[/name], but can’t get hubby to see things my way. [name]Judith[/name] or [name]Judy[/name] would be so refreshing [name]IMO[/name].