[name]Juliet[/name] is Shakespearean, but in a quiet way. It’s accepted enough in English naming practices that it won’t be glaringly obvious, like MacBeth or [name]Hamlet[/name]. I think it’s romantic but understated, and in an era of over-the-top frilly girls names it has a quiet strength.
I think [name]Juliet[/name] is very much like [name]Violet[/name] but a little more elegant, classy. As noted above, it is Shakespearean, but not exclusively.
I agree completely with [name]Blade[/name]. [name]Juliet[/name] and it’s variants are used often enough in Western culture that it won’t stand out as blatantly Shakespearean. In my book, there’s only ever been one [name]Hamlet[/name], one [name]Othello[/name], one Falstaff, but like many of [name]Shakespeare[/name]'s women’s names ([name]Portia[/name], [name]Rosalind[/name], etc.), [name]Juliet[/name] is viable as a modern girl’s name. The only downside I can envision is a bit of teasing in her 9th grade Lit class, but I think the beauty of the name dispatches such a minor concern completely.
I agree that [name]Juliet[/name] is totally usable and not just Shakespearean. I think of [name]Juliet[/name] like [name]Elizabeth[/name], yes there was the queen but the name is more than that. It is a classic quiet feminine name, lovely.
I used to think of it as almost exclusively [name]Shakespeare[/name], but after watching Psych - which features an awesome police character named [name]Juliet[/name] - I see it in more of a tough girl, 2012 light. [name]Juliette[/name] Binoche hasn’t hurt its image, either.
I think it’s beautiful. It’s definitely becoming more popular and I wonder if it’s the sort of name that will become popular very quickly and eventually fall out of fashion. But I really do love this name. It’s romantic but not overly fussy.
I adore the naem [name]Juliet[/name]. It’s so pretty and despite is tragic connections I actually find it very cheerful. Reminds me of [name]Jubilee[/name]. My only concern with the name is it getting shortened to [name]Julie[/name]. Without the T it loses most of it’s charm and falls into Aunt [name]Julie[/name] territory for me.
I saw a little girl at the zoo today named [name]Juliet[/name]. I think it looks and sounds pretty but it takes the right person to pull it off. It did not fit the little girl I saw and made me think her parents were trying too hard.