Juliette middle name

Which combination do you prefer??
Juliette Beatrix
Juliette Iris
Juliette Cressida

Any other suggestions are welcome as well :slight_smile:

  • Juliette Beatrix
  • Juliette Iris
  • Juliette Cressida

0 voters

I like how the soft sound of [name_f]Iris[/name_f] completes [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] :slight_smile:

[name_f]Juliette[/name_f] [name_f]Cressida[/name_f] is elegant and gorgeous

I think all three are beautiful! They just all give off slightly different vibes to me.
[name_f]Juliette[/name_f] [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] is a tad more spunky, and [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] is my favorite individual name out of the options. [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] [name_f]Iris[/name_f] is lovely and feminine, and [name_f]Iris[/name_f] is good at softening [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] and bringing her a bit more down to earth. [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] [name_f]Cressida[/name_f] on the other hand is grand and elegant, it feels like the heroine in a romantic period piece. I think you’ve got 3 great options, it just comes down to what feel you’re going for :slight_smile: